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  • 12-08-2009, 10:56 PM
    The love of money is the root of all evil..

    Never discuss money [personal finances]. It is silly either bragging about income, or complaining about lack of income.
    Even giving money away should be anonymous.
  • 12-08-2009, 10:55 PM
    It ain't right to talk about salary, it's something personal because people can often think themselves higher if they have a higher salary.

    I cannot stand when people talk about it, it's so uncomfortable. I've deliberatly avoided those questions apart from the cheese question.
  • 12-08-2009, 10:55 PM
    it is vulgar

    it also brings out the worst in people

    it can seem like you are boasting and it can trigger envy

    it is not anyone else's business how much someone earns...

    if they earn a great amount good luck to them
  • 12-08-2009, 10:54 PM
    Money doesn't make you more intelligent as some people may think. In fact I have had very good advice given over the years by people who don't have two pence to rub together! People are people regardless of the size of their wallet - so you just go ahead and say what you like. You have an opinion and don't be made to feel like you can't express it. As for earnings and vulgarity damn right it shouldn't be discussed as generally it comes across as boasting.
  • 12-08-2009, 10:54 PM
    Avon Blake's 7
    I never have been one to discuss my salary with anyone who did not need to know about it. It's nobody else's business as far as I'm concerned.

    Neither do I, in general, judge people due to their income level. It's more their behavior and attitudes I notice.

    The fact is, I get to see a huge slice of all income brackets in my current work. And, there are plenty who have behaviours that are contemptible among those with millions in the bank and those who don't have much at all.

    I guess I should point out that I also see good in many people of all the incomes as well.
  • 12-08-2009, 10:53 PM
    Hypocrite - ffs
    I must have it all "erse aboot tit". I've been trying to compete for the most skint honour!

    I just laugh, when people tell me how wealthy they are. Sure I'm jealous; I wouldn't mind some money for a change. As a "kept man", I have a personal income of £18 a week. lol. She earns our living. Frankly we were almost as wealthy on the dole. At least what she has is her's.

    Money isn't important. It is when you struggle to pay a big bill, but in day to day life it is nothing compared to time, good health and happiness. Oh well, at least I have one of those things.

    I remember my mum nearly costing me my student grant, as she got a bee in her bonnet about them wanting to see her pay slips. "What business is it of theirs?". She only earned about £5k a year. lol

    People have always been keen to express their wealth and some have always been keen to express their lack of it. It's just life. Who cares? Can we express our being?
  • 12-08-2009, 10:53 PM
    Salary and wealth have no bearing on someone's goodness. Most of the people I have met who earn generous salaries are vulgar people.
  • 12-08-2009, 10:52 PM
    According to Adam Smith (the father of capitalism), markets only work if you have information about the activities of your competitors. Such information allows people in low paid jobs to move into higher paid jobs - at least, that's the theory.

    The rich have always wanted you to believe that discussing salaries is vulgar. This isn't surprising, they don't want others to know what disgusting, degenerate parasites they actually are.
  • 12-08-2009, 10:52 PM
    According to Adam Smith (the father of capitalism), markets only work if you have information about the activities of your competitors. Such information allows people in low paid jobs to move into higher paid jobs - at least, that's the theory.

    The rich have always wanted you to believe that discussing salaries is vulgar. This isn't surprising, they don't want others to know what disgusting, degenerate parasites they actually are.
  • 12-08-2009, 10:52 PM
    According to Adam Smith (the father of capitalism), markets only work if you have information about the activities of your competitors. Such information allows people in low paid jobs to move into higher paid jobs - at least, that's the theory.

    The rich have always wanted you to believe that discussing salaries is vulgar. This isn't surprising, they don't want others to know what disgusting, degenerate parasites they actually are.
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