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  • 10-04-2008, 07:40 PM
    elva a
    when i was pregnant with my youngest son, we were in england where my husband was assigned with the US air force. i craved water melons. try getting a water melon in england. we had a good friend who worked in the commissary (military supermarket), who would let my husband know if they had gotten a shipment of water melons, and would save one for me until we could get there to buy it.

    about any special food craving is "normal" when one is pregnant. good luck finding what you crave. hahaha
  • 10-04-2008, 07:39 PM
    Vernon C
    It is an old wives tale. You get hungry, and the body may crave certain things. You may happen on something that serves the bill and think it is weird. I get cravings and I'm an old guy, never been preggers though.
  • 10-04-2008, 07:35 PM
    Neither I had any carving for particular food..

    All I wanted is to eat some food.. smell of food was so strong it used to make feel throwing..
  • 10-04-2008, 07:11 PM
    Me too, no one I know wants pickles and ice cream. I did want baby kosher dills when I was nauseated though. Totally normal.
  • 10-04-2008, 07:10 PM
    i havent had any WEIRD food cravings, just cravings of normal foods. i craved ice cream at first, and then about a week ago i was craving pickles. i craved tomatos for a week or so...i dunno my cravings change ALOT lol =]
  • 10-04-2008, 07:10 PM
    mom 2B again
    I am 20 weeks pregnant too and I do not have any strange food cravings. I just crave things like fruit or enchiladas or eggs. Just normal. With my first I had normal cravings also.
  • 10-04-2008, 07:02 PM
    I didnt have any wierd cravings whilst pregnant.
    I did get a sweet tooth though, i always wanted sugary treats.

    Those wierd cravings you hear about arent actally that common. Dont worry, you are fine.
  • 10-04-2008, 06:59 PM
    When I was pregnant with my son I never had any weird food cravings.
  • 10-04-2008, 06:58 PM

    Is this weird to experience? ?

    I'm 20 weeks pregnant and I've always heard that women get weird cravings when pregnant... like pickles and ice cream. But so far I haven't experienced anything like that. I just get normal food cravings. Have any of you experienced this? I know it's probably normal, but I just haven't heard anything like this and I've known lots of pregnant women.

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