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  • 05-12-2010, 10:26 PM
    I'm sorry to tell you this, but "traditions, mysteries and liturgies" were not exercised in the "first church" at all. The book of Acts talks about the first church, after Jesus ascended to heaven, and what they did was get together, worship Him and read scripture.

    If you like your new church, that's nice. But God is not found in a particular denomination. His word can be taught anywhere, if it is taught in truth and love, honestly, openly, reverently, and without compromise.
  • 05-12-2010, 10:25 PM
    Arizona Knight Wolf
    I'm sure they can. I have been in some protestant churches that were full of the spirit of God. I don;t know if really was the spirit of God, but they were full of something!
  • 05-12-2010, 10:25 PM
    Leonard K

    Can Western Christians find the fullness of Christ's saving grace outside of the...

    ...Holy Orthodox Church? I used to be Protestant. I read my Bible diligently. Yet somehow I still had an emptiness inside me; like I am hearing God's word and I am not experience God. It was causing me anxiety. Then I discovered the Eastern Orthodox Church. It was like discovering God's kingdom on earth. The Holy Church maintains the Traditions and Mysteries and Liturgies as was practiced from the first generations of Christians since time of the Apostles themselves! The fullness of God's gift of salvation is here. Truly I feel that Christians in the West will feel complete if they discovered Orthodox Christianity.
  • 05-12-2010, 10:25 PM
    Progressive Guy
    It's interesting that you feel this way. Some of the top western theologians are saying something very close to this. N.T. Wright, for example, has compared many western ideas with the eastern ones and realized we have things wrong. I don't think eastern orthodox is God's "holy church" because all of us believers are the holy church. If you would really like to share your views with others, I highly recommend you read and point them to N.T. Wright. They will understand your point much more.

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