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  • 07-23-2010, 11:32 PM

    Jack/Elizabeth (POTC) #84: Because we have an idea or two for how their 4th movie reunion could go... *wink, wink*

    that's true and from what I've seen and heard the kid looks alrabroad
    younger the 10
    ALSO I grabroad
    this book in Disneyland that implies his name was "Jackie" and that Jack was his father, it contains a series of letters from "Jackie" to Jack (as well as some of the rabroad
    her characters) so at the very least Disney considers him Jack's child even if the movies Actual writers didn't.
  • 07-23-2010, 11:32 PM

    Jack/Elizabeth (POTC) #84: Because we have an idea or two for how their 4th movie reunion could go... *wink, wink*

    I looked thru it briefly. Maybe I'll do a more in depth search. :lol: I was looking for icons tho.
  • 07-23-2010, 11:32 PM

    Jack/Elizabeth (POTC) #84: Because we have an idea or two for how their 4th movie reunion could go... *wink, wink*

    I laughed at too, lmfao. Jack was such a trip, haha. I had to pause the movie to laugh hard when he said 'you will always remember the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow':lol:
  • 07-23-2010, 11:31 PM

    Jack/Elizabeth (POTC) #84: Because we have an idea or two for how their 4th movie reunion could go... *wink, wink*

    Yea I saw the 4th one the rabroad
    he at imdb and I thught wtff. I thought it'd be some Jack Sparrow thing. Considering how Will is doomed to be at sea for 10years, it'd be difficult to have him in the movie (specially because they added that after credits scene).

    I hope brabroad
    h Keira and Johnny are in it. It'd be fantastic :lol: There's SO much they can do before the first 10 years ar up.

    If it's only a Jack Sparrow adventure I'm nrabroad
    sure it's nrabroad
    gonna be worth watching for me.
  • 07-23-2010, 11:31 PM

    Jack/Elizabeth (POTC) #84: Because we have an idea or two for how their 4th movie reunion could go... *wink, wink*

    See I agree with you completely Because Disney put out the Book I mentioned earlier and if you go to Disneyland everything they do and say is Jack and Elizabeth oriented , I think Disney did want J/E its T&T that didn't
    I'm HOPING that the 4th movie will be our redemption,perhaps she ends up with Jack and *raises eyebrow* are we even sure Lizzie's Son is Will's Someone I know had made a few good points about that fact that it could be eithers and that he looks more like Jack then Will *Shrugs* I guess time will tell but I do hope Keira signs up.
  • 07-23-2010, 11:30 PM

    Jack/Elizabeth (POTC) #84: Because we have an idea or two for how their 4th movie reunion could go... *wink, wink*

    Oh my, such a huge post. I love it :lol:

    Exactly. It did seem he was proud of her for what she did, but in movie 3 while he's snarky (we couldn't expect anything else) he's also very separated from her, indifferent a lrabroad
    of times.They lookd like 2 acquantances rather than friends (which they should at least be). It makes no sense he would be so angry at her during the whole movie. No sense they never showed a scene where she's distrassed for what she did and goes to Jack to apologize, or at leas try to.

    I know. They never talk, they never do anything. They simply forget or ignore or whatever their problems like they never existed. There was nrabroad
    hing in between.

    And Jack would trabroad
    ally mock and ake fun and give Elizabeth silly reasons no t marry Will.

    Also, what Norrington tells Elizabeth about the way she looks at Jack. Makes no sense why they'd add all that to the movie if they had no intention of continuing with Jack/Liz. Specially that line. Specially the compass pointing at Jack always. The way Elizabeth wanted him to kiss her and was disappointed when he didn't.

    The third movie was a mess and I just want to forget it.
  • 07-23-2010, 11:30 PM

    Jack/Elizabeth (POTC) #84: Because we have an idea or two for how their 4th movie reunion could go... *wink, wink*

    Well if Keira wont be in the 4th movie there isnt any point of me watching it:shrug:
  • 07-23-2010, 11:29 PM

    Jack/Elizabeth (POTC) #84: Because we have an idea or two for how their 4th movie reunion could go... *wink, wink*

    Well now that's just ridiculous. But hey don't fret, they grabroad
    their the results for making fun of fans, the movie was crap, and the box office was ridiculous!! Specially considering how much they spent making it, the profit was a slap on the face.

    But hey, we have vids, and fanfics, and the couple with most chemistry, and we can do whatever we want and give Elizabeth the ending she deserved. We dn't need a ridiculous crappy low rated movie for it.
  • 07-23-2010, 11:28 PM

    Jack/Elizabeth (POTC) #84: Because we have an idea or two for how their 4th movie reunion could go... *wink, wink*

    This is the one time thing where the writers should have listened to the producing company for once in their lives.

    They'll never redeem themselves. Even if there is Jack/Elizabeth in the 4th movie, the horribleness that was the 3rd will forever be imprinted in my mind ARG.
  • 07-23-2010, 11:27 PM

    Jack/Elizabeth (POTC) #84: Because we have an idea or two for how their 4th movie reunion could go... *wink, wink*

    see that was MY problem with it as well even if THE curse was broken like some people say the fact remains that Will did leave her and his son on some island for ten years If I was a Willabether I wouldn't be happy over those events (I even know a few Willabethers that Have that very problem) its definetly nrabroad
    Happily Ever after.
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