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  • 06-06-2010, 06:32 PM

    Nokia Or I-phone

    I think that with all the things that the iPhone can do (and perhaps technology that will be already built into the phone but not used until later) the phone is priced well. Even just the technology that the iPhone is using makes it worth the money when Apple's production, research and development costs are factored in: they've done a good job pricing it accordingly (and they're praying to sell millions so that they can recoup their costs and then make a profit - 4g and 8's).

    It's a cellphone, MP3 player, camera and a smart phone so adding them all up separately would cost alot more. Plus, being that it is a Mac product smacks of high quality and probably not one to be released with a ton of bugs.

    Out of reach for most? Definitely, especially when you factor in a data plan that HAS to go with it; no way out of that one. And then there's the little accessories here and there like docking station, leather/hard shell case and screen protectors, to name a few.

    Either way, can't deny that it is one very cool device.

    But my forever Nokia:
    connoisseurs, subtly glides, meticulously considered, to complement the prestige, heighten the experience, exclusive audio accompaniment, award-winning composer, elegance, Zen-like, epitome of style and elegance, organic flowing lines, dynamic surfaces, tensile strength, destined to age with grace, bi-stable spring mechanism and stainless steel ball bearings, aural accompaniment, emotion that touches both heart and mind.
    I want to carry my dictionary to describe it,I'M FALLING LOVE WITH IT!so SO
  • 05-30-2010, 04:17 AM

    Nokia Or I-phone

    just wait Nokia is working on something to compete with the whole Apple iphone/ipod itune line :smart:
  • 05-24-2010, 08:20 PM

    Nokia Or I-phone

    Now that I have the iphone, I actually can say that I think it is a great phone compared to the Nokia. There really isn't any comparision that I could do.
  • 05-21-2010, 03:28 PM

    Nokia Or I-phone

    N95 is better, i think. Besides its a nokia....LAST 4 EVER!

    Apple products are goood, but the iphone looks like i could break in your pocket.
    And if you are going to get the iphone, you are only alowed to use it on AT&T's network, uless roaming. But like i couldt have T-M and use it.

    Thats why I liek the N95 cuz its UNLOCKED!
  • 05-14-2010, 03:19 AM

    Nokia Or I-phone

    I think the wheels of progress have made the decision for all of us: the i phone is the absolute best way to go
  • 05-12-2010, 06:59 AM

    Nokia Or I-phone

    from a vendors perspective the n95 is moving about 4 to 1 compared to the iphone. To compare features i believe n95 is a better phone but i guess it all depends on what you want out of your phone.
  • 05-09-2010, 05:51 PM

    Nokia Or I-phone

    Featurewise, the N95 runs circles around the iPhone. The iPhone is basically just a regular iPod Video with phone and web browsing capabilities. However, everyone has to remember that every phone is varied differently between each user. If you're the type of person who is new to the PDA world, has iTunes, offer something different to the average cell phone consumer, and does mild web browsing, then the iPhone is probably for you. Yes, the iPhone does lack some of the features that others have right now (I won't go into the details because you can find other arguements elsewhere...and it has become tiresome). But what Apple has done with it's web browser is just amazing...seamless and smoothe. Not to mention you are actually viewing sites in their entirety, not WAP versions. Even with either using a N95 of HTC Tytn, sometimes they cannot display sites entirely, especially when one is running an Applet. The virtual keyboard on the iPhone is something new. Just remember to keep an open mind, and you'll get used to it in a few days of constant use. Now, if you need other advanced features, and the need to install and use programs (and customize your phone), something like the N95 or Tytn would work for you. Of course, you're going to have to deal with a few "quirks" when using Nokia's Symbian Operating System or a Windows Mobile PPC. A Symbian phone is more user friendly because it tries to still keep a phone feel for the consumer. However, some people think that Symian is a tad slow in terms of menu response. Windows Mobile PPC, just like any other Windows device, you're probably going to have to restart now and again. Also, others have complained that WMPPC's lean more on the PDA side than a cell phone, so sometimes get confused with how to use one...leading some to say that 'it's just too much phone'. However, WMPPC (and WM Standard) are great for someone who is an Outlook power user.

    I have had the Tytn, N95, and the iPhone...Pros and Cons for every phone. You just need to do some research on which suites you best, and make an informed decision.

    BTW...OP, you can find cheaper prices for some other phones on sites like MobilCityOnline or Plemix. Some of those prices are a little high considering some have been out for a while.
  • 05-01-2010, 08:35 AM

    Nokia Or I-phone

    Tough one I agree... And not easy to answer without personal experience on the Iphone. But looking at the total cost of ownership of Iphone definately tips the scale for Nokia (N95). Iphone itself is not that expensive, but when u add the min 60 USD 24 month subscription - it is way beyond my commitment capability...

    I think feature wise N95 beats the living spit out of Iphone. But on usability Iphone is way ahead. And Iphone for sure is a hip thing to own - or at least more hip than N95.

    Spooky (with an N95)
  • 04-28-2010, 09:11 PM

    Nokia Or I-phone

    It is a controversial topic, but I'll take a shot at it. I honestly think that the iPhone will not rival, but take away some sales form the N95. I just think that the N95's capabilities defeat the iPhone's in many ways.
  • 04-19-2010, 06:54 AM

    Nokia Or I-phone

    Will the iPhone be able to rival the likes of the Nokia N95 do you think?
    The iphone isnt supposed to be due out for a while yet is already avaliable for preorder Here if you want it guaranteed.

    It certainly looks nice but is it sturdy enough...?

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