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  • 07-26-2010, 10:59 AM
    Wildfire Girl

    Morning Routines?

    :wave: Seems like we had a thread like this here a while ago, but I couldn't find it. So I thought I'd restart it ... I was thinking about morning routines as I was going through mine earlier this week ....

    What is your morning routine before work/school?
    - kitties usually wake me up before the alarm goes off for scratchings and lovings
    - alarm goes off, I snooze once or twice
    - take meds
    - shower
    - while my hair is air drying I go ahead and get dressed in my work clothes
    - clean kitties room, empty litter, sweep floor, change water, check food levels, etc
    - get my purse, work bag, anything that needs to go with me (laptop, lunch, extra clothing layers) ready and on the counter
    - dry hair, put on minimal make-up
    - kiss hubby and kitties by, leave for work
    - drive to work, eat breakfast at work, then start the day

    Do you have a morning routine on days off?
    - kitties usually wake me up typically about alarm time, I lay as long as they'll let me
    - take meds
    - get up, get on FF for an hour or two (depending on how early I got up, but I wait to do house stuff until it's a decent enough hour it doesn't bother hubby)
    - clean kitty room (see above)
    - Sat I clean the whole house, Sunday I skip this part
    - shower, and get ready to start whatever the day has planned ....
  • 07-26-2010, 03:17 AM

    Morning Routines?

    Karen, your routine is so complicated. :spineyes: How can you be so awake in the morning to do all that? :lol:


    1. Snooze over and over until it really is time to get up.
    2. Go to bathroom, wash up etc.
    3. Change.
    4. Feed fish.
    5. Drive to station.
    6. Eat/read/put on make-up/sleep on the train.
    7. Get coffee and start work day.
  • 07-25-2010, 09:55 PM

    Morning Routines?

    What is your morning routine before work/school?

    Sleep ins
    Do hair
    Go online for the day, watch tv or play PS2 games or shop
    Go to work
    Feed cat

    Do you have a morning routine on days off

    Sleep ins
    Do hair
    Go out
    Feed Cat
    Watch tv or dvds
    Play PS2 games
  • 07-25-2010, 04:25 PM

    Morning Routines?

    Alarm goes off at 8am.
    Exercise (lately been skipping that)
    shower and dress, etc.
    check email.
    eat breakfast.
    go to work.

    Days off:
    Pretty much the same except instead of going to work, I run errands or sometimes (not often enough) I clean the apartment. Occasionally take my laptop to Atlanta Bread instead of eating at home.
  • 07-25-2010, 02:14 PM

    Morning Routines?

    hit the snooze button 4 times
    get dressed
    brush my teeth
    put lunch and breakfast in bag
    go to work
  • 07-25-2010, 01:48 PM
    Spooky Spice

    Morning Routines?

    What is your morning routine before work/school?

    Check what time it is.
    Hit the snooze button.
    Listen to a song or 2 on my iPod
    Hit the bathroom
    Turn on DVD player so I have something to watch
    Change/brush hair
    Gather up my stuff

    Do you have a morning routine on days off?

    Check what time it is
    Hit the bathroom
    Go back to sleep :lol:
  • 07-25-2010, 01:43 PM

    Morning Routines?

    Wake up. Go back to sleep and try to remember the dream last night but can't. out:
    Brush my teeth
    Feed Lilly & the rabbits.
    Have breakfast and read Twilight.
    Text H to wake him up.
    Then go to work or out shopping.
  • 07-25-2010, 11:56 AM
    Jo Harvelle

    Morning Routines?

    What is your morning routine before work/school?

    Get up
    Eat Breakfast
    Get Dressed
    Get online if I have time
    leave for work

    Do you have a morning routine on days off?

    Sleep In
    Get up and eat breakfast
    watch a movie
    get online
    clean house
  • 07-25-2010, 11:12 AM

    Morning Routines?

    Usually wake up before my alarm.
    Get up and have a wash, and wash my hair if it needs it too.
    Do my teeth
    Get dressed.
    Do my hair and make-up.
    Have a glass of water or fruit juice.
    Make sure I have everything I need for the day in my bag.
  • 07-25-2010, 10:27 AM

    Morning Routines?

    Wake up. If it's earlier than 10AM I usually go back to sleep until 10:30AM-12PM or so, lol.
    Use the restroom.
    Have a smoke.
    Feed and play with the animals.
    Check e-mail/myspace/fanforum/livejournal/facebook/etc.
    Take a shower.
    And since I don't go to school or work I'm usually going out with friends on a day to day basis.
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