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  • 07-27-2010, 02:55 PM

    Penn Badgley/Dan Humphrey #71: Because only Penn can make a sparkly suit look manly.

    The 71st Penn Badgley/Dan Humphrey Appreciation Thread

    (made by tina)

    ~All About Penn Badgley ~

    Birth Name: Penn Dayton Badgley
    Birth Date:1 November 1986, Baltimore, MD
    Height: 5' 10½" (1.79 m)

    Born in Baltimore, Maryland, Badgley split his childhood years between Richmond, Virginia. and Seattle, Washington.
    In Seattle he was involved in the Seattle Children's Theater and did voice-overs for a children's radio station.
    It was through these experiences that Badgley discovered his love of acting. This passion brought him one summer to Hollywood,
    where he landed an agent and his first big break guest-starring on "Will & Grace" (1998).
    After relocating with his mother to Los Angeles, Badgley secured several recurring roles on "The Young and the Restless" (1973),
    "The Brothers Garcia" (2000), and "Daddio" (2000).

    At the age of 14, Penn completed his California High School Proficiency Exam and began attending Santa Monica City College.
    Also musically gifted, he enjoys singing, writing, and playing the guitar. In his spare time, Badgley likes to go surfing, skiing and snowboarding.

    ~ How We Feel About Dan/Penn ~

    He's smart, sexy, witty, protective, and such a sweet boyfriend. He doesn't let fame get to his head.
    He can take any role whether it be a sensitive soul, other "loser" brother, or a bad ass and still make you love him in the end. -B(YourToHold)

    There is alot of reasons I guess. But one of them is that he is so down to earth and doesn't let the fame go to his head.
    And i just love his sense of humor and the fact he is good to look at doesn't hurt either.- Sara(mylu)

    Penn is such a talented actor not to mention witty, smart, and hot. He's so laid back and dedicated to his work that each role is special to him.
    He makes Dan such a great character to watch and root for. -Dana(upchitzcreek)

    I love that Penn is confident in playing Dan. Even though the character can be vulnerable, Penn always plays him to perfection.
    He makes me love Dan more and want to be there to constantly cheer him on to be a better person and for Penn, a better actor. - Stacy

    ~ Dan's Moments (S1) ~
    (made by laura)

    season 2 coming soon...

    ~ Dan's Finest Animations ~
    (made by vanishingwater)

    ~ Memorable Quotes ~

    {pilot} I don't read Gossip Girl. That's for chicks.

    Jenny: Come on, Dan, Serena said hi to you at a ninth grade birthday party and you've never forgotten it.
    Dan: How could I? She was the only person who spoke to me.

    Dan: You'll really go out with some guy you don't know?
    Serena: Well, you can't be worse than the guys I do know.

    {the wild brunch} Chuck: This isn't over.
    Dan: Any time. That one black eye looks a little lonely.

    {high society} Gossip Girl: This just in - we hear there's a cold war brewing between Lonely Boy and a certain blue blood.
    We never thought we'd say this ourselves...
    Serena: There you are. What's going on?
    Dan: I'll tell you what's going on. I just became your escort to the ball.
    Gossip Girl: ... But our money's on Brooklyn for the win!

    {roman holiday} Rufus: My son, the writer.
    Alison: Published writer.
    Jenny: Yeah, you got your dream girl and you're star of the New Yorker. Maybe you should just die now.
    Dan: It's true. I may have peaked.

    {school lies} Dan (to Vanessa): Well, if you wanted to get the perfect shot of me feeling like an outsider, I'm ready for my close-up.

    {desperately seeking serena} Rufus: You used to cry when I didn't walk you to school.
    Jenny: That wasn't me, that was Dan.
    Dan: I was six. It was a very emotional time for me, post-tee ball.

    {the dark night} Dan: Serena... I still ...
    Serena: I know. Me too.
    [elevator door closes]
    Serena: ... I love you.

    {the ex files} Jenny: It was like I didn't even exist!
    Dan: Mmm. Welcome to my world. It's not so bad when you get used to birds flying at your head and automatic doors never opening.

    Dan: Google revenge and you get BlairWaldorf.com.
    Dan: You should put a bell on.
    Chuck: Kinky. I'll think about it.

    {the serena always rises} Dan: If I have to exploit people to be a good writer, then maybe I don't want to be a good writer.

    (made by thaly)

    (made by Jena_Humprhey)

    (made by sara)

    ~ 50th Thread Celebration Banners and Icons ~

    (made by sparkling diamond)

    (made by tina)

    Latest Icons

    By jowat

    ~ Latest Pics/News~

  • 07-27-2010, 02:53 PM

    Penn Badgley/Dan Humphrey #71: Because only Penn can make a sparkly suit look manly.

    thanks for the new thread.
  • 07-27-2010, 11:29 AM

    Penn Badgley/Dan Humphrey #71: Because only Penn can make a sparkly suit look manly.

    You're welcome! :kiss:

    I wish the icons showed up. Should I change them? :\
  • 07-27-2010, 07:03 AM

    Penn Badgley/Dan Humphrey #71: Because only Penn can make a sparkly suit look manly.

  • 07-27-2010, 05:31 AM

    Penn Badgley/Dan Humphrey #71: Because only Penn can make a sparkly suit look manly.

    can you delete them. We need to add new ones anyway. thanks jamie :flowers:
  • 07-26-2010, 10:53 PM

    Penn Badgley/Dan Humphrey #71: Because only Penn can make a sparkly suit look manly.

  • 07-26-2010, 09:57 PM

    Penn Badgley/Dan Humphrey #71: Because only Penn can make a sparkly suit look manly.

    Let me know which ones to add and I'll take out the remaining two when there's more to add.
  • 07-26-2010, 06:02 PM

    Penn Badgley/Dan Humphrey #71: Because only Penn can make a sparkly suit look manly.


    can you add these ones

  • 07-26-2010, 04:31 PM

    Penn Badgley/Dan Humphrey #71: Because only Penn can make a sparkly suit look manly.

    She looks mighty happy! :sigh:
  • 07-26-2010, 04:16 PM

    Penn Badgley/Dan Humphrey #71: Because only Penn can make a sparkly suit look manly.

    yfrog Fullsize - 5gwic.jpg
    MC set

    lol i love this pic though old
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