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  • 08-03-2010, 12:21 AM

    Bell ExpressVu Retentions?

    Yep, works every time.

    Just make sure you are at the end of your 2 year term.....
  • 08-02-2010, 10:31 PM
    i hate tv

    Bell ExpressVu Retentions?

    Might not be the best idea to threaten to steal their service if they don't give you a deal "This call is monitored for quality assurance and training purposes"
  • 08-02-2010, 10:20 PM

    Bell ExpressVu Retentions?

    so threating moving to cable tends to work eh? i just got the service last year
  • 08-02-2010, 09:58 PM

    Bell ExpressVu Retentions?

    I laughed out loud reading this. I'm having my receivers buried with me. I don't want someone else running up pay per views on my account after I'm gone.
  • 08-02-2010, 06:07 PM

    Bell ExpressVu Retentions?

    If you are outside of your 2 year Rental Term, try buying a receiver or two, that will save you $20+ per month.

    Don't forget, Bell gave you a free installation, that has to be recouped somewhere down the line.

    Otherwise just call and tell them you are moving to Cable.
  • 08-02-2010, 05:57 PM

    Bell ExpressVu Retentions?

    We have Bell Mobility now though, maybe we could put a $100 dollar deposit on that.
  • 08-02-2010, 02:59 PM

    Bell ExpressVu Retentions?

    I happen to have Bell Sympatico High-Speed, and I always take 15 minutes to do a little research before calling every June when my one-year contract from the previous year is almost up.

    Armed with a rival (usually TekSavvy)'s rate for the same level of service being much cheaper, and knowing full well I'm more than willing to switch if denied some sort of deal, I call up and tell them that if they can't match the other (i.e. TekSavvy)'s offer I will switch at the end of the contract.

    I have always gotten a price match + more for a new 1 year contract. This year was a jackpot; without even starting to negotiate anything they flat out offerered me the new customer only signup terms (3 free months, 3 months @ $20, 6 months @ $30).... great success.

    Now, if I were to have called and said "hey give me the new customer only deal" they would have refused. It's all about leverage, and willingness to switch if you find a better offer. In your specific case, if you're telling them that for Package A of channels you can go to Rogers/Starchoice and get it for cheaper, they will negotiate. If you say you'll cancel and get whatever you can get for free, I doubt they'll even try to retain you (that would be like me calling Sympatico and threatening to go to dialup and then asking for a price match/discount on High Speed)

    If you can't find a lower price, then why would they continually offer you lower prices than what everyone else pays? At least in my case, I can get the exact same service for cheaper than the normal Sympatico rate if I switch. If your threat to switch carries no gravitas, this severely hampers your negotiating position.
  • 08-02-2010, 02:21 PM

    Bell ExpressVu Retentions?

    Gave it the old college try. Left the door open for at least 10 minutes while I discussed how I was considering going FTA because of all the money I was going to save. Nothin'. Got caught with a three and a six off-suited. At least I wasn't all-in.
  • 08-02-2010, 01:35 PM

    Bell ExpressVu Retentions?

    I looked around a bit but never seen anything on this.

    I got a card mailed me ( my name on it ) offering me a free Shaw HD-PVR ( maybe be a referbished one and was wondering if anyone got this and called bell to see if they would match this offer.

    If someone did this.... did you get a 9200 or a 9242? new? referbished

    Just wondering what people got to maybe try call them for a free HD-PVR from Bell

  • 08-02-2010, 12:59 PM

    Bell ExpressVu Retentions?

    I was surprised on Thursday this week. I called up to get a replacement remote control but while I was on the phone I remembered that I was pre-approved for a free upgrade from my 9200 to the 9242 so I thought, what the hell. Anyway, the short of it is, that for a 1 year contract, I ended up getting the rental of the 9242 for 1 year for free, free installation (eventhough it's not really an installation, just a swap) and 20% off my programming. I was really surprised!
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