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  • 08-04-2010, 10:29 AM

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    I touched you last.
  • 08-04-2010, 01:35 AM
    Ex Agent EV

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    You asked:

    And I explained:

    I think that this was a clear and simple response to your question. Wasn't it? Since it didn't seemed clear, I explained my response another way... I don't know why really you always try to pick a fight about everything. It's because I work for the compagny that I agree with al their policies...and i'm not the one who makes them. I'm just trying to be as informative as I could to all the clients comming on this forum.
  • 08-03-2010, 05:25 PM
    Ex Agent EV

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    Nobody will tell me what to say or not...espacially a matcho technician!

    I was just explaning you something you might or might not been aware of. I taught it would have bee usefulfor you to know that detail...but I guess next time I just shut my mouth, wait until you come complain that it had happen, and then i'll say I could have told you, but tyou didn't want me to

    I am a perfect example of what's good about customer service at Bell Express Vu...when client tells me he does this, or that and I know there could be consequences I always inform him so that if he continues he knows ahead what could happen. I never hung up with my client until I know, for sure that problem is resolved, or at least knows the steps to get it resolved.
  • 08-03-2010, 04:20 PM

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    No. Expressvu is not licensed to broadcast, the US is a protected market.

    And if you are caught by Expressvu and you can't certify that at least one of your receiver is still in Canada, you'll be: disconnected, charged $35 reconnection fees, charged term deactivation fees. If you still have one receiver in Canada, you're lucky, only the receivers in the US will be disconnected. If I were you, I would not do that.
  • 08-03-2010, 02:31 PM

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    There is no "law" that prevents subscribers from having receiver's at two locations.
  • 08-03-2010, 11:06 AM

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    Bunch of BS! Do receivers have built in GPS now that wirelessly transmitttheir location to expressvu!
    All the location ID is just a alpha numberic number generated by a mathmatical formula based on a receiver's ID number and time, it changes every 10 on dishpro receivers and every 60 on legacy receivers. It canot be changed remotely. And like a poster above said, bell is not going to call when your gone RV'ing, and if they did (on your cell) tell them you are RV'ing and your , they have no way of telling were your receivers are too, they can only tell when they were last connected to a phone line, and dialed in to expressvu, which is every 60 days on dishpro receivers (3100,4100, 5x00, 6100 5200 9200). The legacy receivers seem to dial in radomly.
  • 08-03-2010, 10:20 AM

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    A CRTC law? Do you happen to know the relevant rule and article number?
  • 08-03-2010, 10:00 AM

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    My understanding is that the lawsuit revolved around it being an unfair fee-based service offering, not a simple perk.

    While I understand the concerns about multiple locations in the light of account sharing which is clearly signal theft, that is NOT the issue being discussed here. There is nothing to be gained by either party through hard and fast enforcement of this rule. On the contrary, EV has a happy customer watching tv ONLY on the receivers registered on his account and ONLY in his own domicile without the nagging feeling he is doing something underhanded.
  • 08-03-2010, 09:43 AM
    Nimiq 1

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    Agent, you are a perfect example of what is wrong within Customer Service at Express Vu, why does no-one within Express Vu actually answer the question they were asked.?

    They always give an opinion or assume the person was asking something else and answer their own questions, NOT the Customers.

    In future IF you ever reply to my postings JUST stick to answering my questions, nothing more nothing less.

    Thank You.
  • 08-03-2010, 09:17 AM
    Ex Agent EV

    Can we hook up BEV receiver at the campsite/cottage?

    Clients used to be able to use both locations simultaneously, and services back a few years were sold to accomodate clients like that, but EV got sued bu cable compagny who were saying that this was unfair competition. We lost the lawsuit, and the result is that rule.*
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