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  • 08-04-2010, 08:18 PM

    CQ's Royal Court of Characters (50 Fav Characters)

    25. Rose Dawson
    (Kate Winslet)

    "On the outside, I was everything a well brought-up girl should be. On the inside, I was screaming."

    While Titanic hasn't been everybody's cup of tea, I think it would be hard to dispute that Rose was a remarkably deep and well-developed character. Kate Winslet's portrayl was great of a troubled rich girl who was having to marry for money at the orders of an overbearing mother. She deals with her mother, abusive fiancee, overwhelming responisibility and trying to find herself all at seventeen. Impressive in my book.

    24. Mia Thermopolis
    (Anne Hathaway)

    "I don't want to rule my own country, I just want to pass the tenth grade."

    Knowing the feeling of being an unpopular and somewhat misunderstood teenage girl, I find this character kind of special. After a transformation and the job of royalty introduced, Mia has to discover a lot of things about herself. It's a fun ride that may get a little more appreciation from me because it's a childhood favorite.

    23. Holly McClane
    (Bonnie Bedelia)

    "You did when you murdered my boss. Now, everyone's looking to me. Personally, I'd pass on the job. I don't enjoy being this close to you."

    I have to admit that if I'm in a hostage situation, I wanna be just like Holly McClane. She keeps her cool and even mouths off to the bad guys. In a movie practically overloading with testosterone, she holds her own as one of about two female characters in all. Her only major flaw, she leaves John McClane.
  • 08-04-2010, 04:00 PM

    CQ's Royal Court of Characters (50 Fav Characters)

    28. Joan Wilder
    (Kathleen Turner)

    "Don't be ridiculous! Jack would never die without telling me!"

    As a writer, often of romance and always of adventure, Joan and I share a very common interest. I honestly hope someday I'll have a similar twist of fate and have a wild adventure with all the excitement of the stories I write. She's smart enough to come up with tricks from her stories during these escapades. However, Joan's personality is much more timid than mine, and it's fun to watch her come out of her shell.

    27. Linda Seton
    (Katharine Hepburn)

    "When two people love each other as much as you do, anything that keeps them apart must be wrong."

    For about a year of my life, I was Linda Seton with all the boredom and none of the money. The strong-willed ladies of 1930s and 40s of cinema are characters that I often look up to and fit my personality well. She's just one of a few favorites I wanted on the list. Hepburn works her magic bringing all of Linda's frustration, confusion, charm, and wit to life.

    26. Sallah
    (John Rhys-Davies)

    "Asps. Very dangerous. You go first."

    Sallah's been my buddy since the first viewing. He always makes me laugh, and he's the best sidekick for Indiana Jones. It was great to bring him back for another good supporting role in Last Crusade.
  • 08-04-2010, 10:30 AM

    CQ's Royal Court of Characters (50 Fav Characters)

    31. Teddy Brewster
    (John Alexander)


    While all this movie is hilarious, I have a soft spot for Teddy. His aloofness and sweet nature makes him all the more lovable. I love how absolutely everything relates back to Theodore Roosevelt. He never misses a thing.

    30. Fred Sanford
    (Redd Foxx)

    "Julio: Buenos Dias, Mr. Sanford.
    Fred Sanford: And beans and disease to you, too."

    While this wasn't the most original show on tv and Archie Bunker is the original grouch, I've been watching Fred Sanford since I can remember thanks to my Dad. He can be rude and uptight, but sometimes that's what makes the jokes. Others just pretty funny period.

    29. Vinny Gambini and Mona Lisa Vito
    (Joe Pesci and Marisa Tomei)

    "Vinny Gambini: I got thirty f*cking minutes to take a shower, get a new suit, get dressed and get to the f*cking courthouse!
    Lisa: You f*cking shower, I'll get your f*cking suit!"

    These two make such a fabulous comedic pair that I end up laughing hard every time I watch. Tomei more than earned her award for her part as the fiesty and funny Lisa, who manages to help save the day. Vinny, despite how laughable the idea is, is a very sharp legal mind.
  • 08-04-2010, 05:28 AM

    CQ's Royal Court of Characters (50 Fav Characters)

    This is a really awesome idea, CQ, and I hope lots of other MoFos steal it. I know I probably will!

    It has a lot more tension than the favorites list, since a lot of us know what the top ten films are, and because there are so many more choices and chances for surprise. Awesome list so far.
  • 08-04-2010, 03:42 AM

    CQ's Royal Court of Characters (50 Fav Characters)

    I would never dare compare Burton & Nolan's Batman..
    They both took different styles & narratives.

    TDK is definitely well written, but Burton's films have better characterizations.
    Ledger's Joker is far superior to Nicholson's attempt, but still he is not the actual Joker we love from the comics....

    Ledger's Joker was more of a Psycho/Anarcho-punk.. I would still love to see another take on Joker maybe sometime in the next few decades..

    Anyone seen the Batman short film Dead End??... Now that's an awesome Joker!!!
    Sadly the guy committed suicide, he was the son of the guy who used play Chekov on Star Trek.
  • 08-03-2010, 11:51 PM

    CQ's Royal Court of Characters (50 Fav Characters)

    Great.. I have always loved Oddball.

    BTW it would really help if you could also mention who is portraying these characters.
  • 08-03-2010, 07:22 PM
    planet news

    CQ's Royal Court of Characters (50 Fav Characters)

    It's not Batman. Nolan redefined what Batman means to make it "good".
  • 08-03-2010, 04:57 PM

    CQ's Royal Court of Characters (50 Fav Characters)

    Had to switch up the formatting a little, hopefully temporarily. My Google thumbnails aren't showing up.
  • 08-03-2010, 03:35 PM

    CQ's Royal Court of Characters (50 Fav Characters)

    I think The Dark Knight is very good, but overrated.
  • 08-03-2010, 07:54 AM

    CQ's Royal Court of Characters (50 Fav Characters)

    43. Reggie Love and Mark Sway
    (Susan Sarandon and Brad Renfro)
    Reggie: You've been lyin' to me. You got three to tell me the truth, 1... 2... 3...

    I love the depth of both characters I think brought to life mostly by the great performances of Sarandon and Renfro. Grisham didn't give us just a goofy pre-teen boy. He's smart and strong enough to cope with a terrifying situation despite his young age. Reggie on the other hand seems to have a soft spot in my heart with her wit and determination.

    42. Oddball
    (Donald Sutherland)
    "We got our own ammunition, it's filled with paint. When we fire it, it makes... pretty pictures. Scares the hell outta people!"

    There's a lot to love about Kelley's Heroes, but I think Oddball really makes the movie. Whoever had the idea of putting his character in the middle of a WW2 battle is brillant.

    41. Sidney Wang
    (Peter Sellers)
    "Big house like man married to fat woman: hard to get around."

    Of all the hilarious characters, Wang had me laughing the hardest. The lines Neil Simon wrote, and possibly improvised by Peter Sellers, are hysterical but even more so timed just right. If I recall correctly, he's a pretty smart fortune cookie too. Except when it comes to English grammar.
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