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  • 08-05-2010, 05:28 AM
    Mrs. Darcy

    The Prestige's Prestigious films to immerse you

    I haven't heard of Nil By Mouth, either. Sounds interesting. Nice list!
  • 08-04-2010, 10:42 PM
    Pyro Tramp

    The Prestige's Prestigious films to immerse you

    Ha YES my son, Mortal Kombat FTW. Absolute cheese gem there. Really need to see that again, think it would make my list

    Think that Casino may have the edge of Goodfellas ....but you'll have to wait to see rest my list

    Some nice new additions, mostly that i haven't seen but really should- Nil By Mouth particularly now i know some more about it
  • 08-04-2010, 07:50 PM

    The Prestige's Prestigious films to immerse you

    I like The Matrix , I really like it - but I really don't believe the love between Neo and Trinity and the ending is pretty cheesy.
  • 08-04-2010, 07:11 PM

    The Prestige's Prestigious films to immerse you

    Yeah, I know. I was kidding (well, about it not being on Pres' top 10 anyway) hence the

    As for it being on other people's top 10's, that's no assurance of quality either. It means it's well liked, that's all.

    *As it happens, TDK is a well made film. Not to my tastes and certainly overrated, but a good film nonetheless.*
  • 08-04-2010, 06:50 PM
    The Prestige

    The Prestige's Prestigious films to immerse you

    Heres the next batch of films. This list has been incredibly hard because i've done it in order with number one being my favourite. Easily the hardest thing i've ever had to do, and yes, I include my dissertation in that statement.

    Anyways, heres the next bunch in the countdown.

    89: Mildred Pierce (Michael Curtiz, 1945)

    I saw this film at a film studies screening about four years ago. This film started my film noir craze, and it was interesting to see a film noir in which the main character was the femme fatal herself. It's a charming film that arguably contributes to the rise of feminism with it's detailed depiction of a young lady who rises up in male dominated world only to become a powerful woman.

    I wasn't really interested in the murder mystery aspect of the film, but rather the gender roles that were reversed and the relationship between Mildred and her daughter Veda. The notion of greed doesn't escape even this feminist-ish noir and this film just proves that it's not limited to overweight patriarchs.

    88: Mortal Kombat (Paul Anderson, 1995)

    Ok, ok, ok I am fully aware how random this entry might be. But I have to tell you, I genuinely love this movie. Yes, it's not the most cerebral flick in the world and it's directed by Paul bleedin' Anderson, but it's great fun. I shouldn't really like it at all. The special effects have dated, the dialogue diabolical, and there are enough goofs in the film for somebody to run an entire website based on them.

    That said, I am a huge fan of the original 2D games and this film came out during a period in my life where things weren't great. As a result, this film would take my mind of things. I also liked the fact that a Hollywood film made an asian man the centre of attention. It was Robin Shou's Liu Kang's arc (Though Linden Ashby was suitably bad ass as well) that we're supposed to be emotionally invested in.

    You gotta love some of the fight sequences as well. I'd even go as far as to say they are somewhat influential since this film was the first to mix techno music with hard hitting martial arts fight scenes. Perhaps this belongs on a guilty pleasures list, but I really couldn't leave it out. And yes, I do think it deserves it's place at 88

    87: The Untouchables (Brian DePalma, 1987)

    I first saw this film as a minor, completely immersed into the whole crime aspect of DePalma's world. I remember being incredibly saddened by the brutal death of Sean Connery's character.

    I watched it again recently and noticed just how skillful the direction was. DePalma's signature tension building scenes were on full auto drive, and the auteur really gave us a crime story in which you gave a **** about the characters. This is Kevin Costner's best film as far as performance and film quality goes.

    86: Austin Powers: International Man Of Mysteries (Jay Roach, 1997)

    Waynes World , whilst funny in parts, isn't exactly my cup of tea. In fact, i'm sure that a majority of you lot will know by now that i'm not really 'into' comedies. However, that's not to say that I completely dismiss the genre. In this case, it works wonderfully.

    Mike Myers best character ever caught me by surprise. I don't remember being hyped for this or even planning to see it, but it came on Sky and, what was a rare occasion, I was laughing incredibly hard while watching a Mike Myers film! The innuendos and sly digs at the swingy 60s subculture is enough to justify this film's spot. Standout scene has to be where he manages makes the fembots work up a steam with his groovy body

    85: Ghostbusters (Ivan Reitman, 1984)

    Look, yes Bill Murray gave a nuanced performance in Lost In Translation and yes, this hardly a a brainy film. But it's just so much damn fun! And Mr Murray has never been funnier and cooler since, imo. I had a hard time watching this film when I was a kid. I found it scary yet thrilling at the same time. Even thought that actual Ghostbusters existed. I thought it was a real occupation and hoped to conquer my fears of monsters to see it...boy, the joys of being young and naive.

    The special eftfects were groundbreaking, the score immediately iconic and recognisable. Theres so much to like about this film. The original horror comedy and perhaps an inspiration for the much gorier but equally as funny Evil Dead 2?

    84: Casino (Martin Scorsese, 1995)

    I've always admired Scorsese even though his peers and fans give him way too much credit. But the man can convey his vision i'll give him that. I love his brilliant fast zooms in your face camera movements. And I think this film showcases that skill to it's fullest degree. Theres such a strong energy to it that it really sticks with you afterwards. I remember having a dream in which everything was zooming towards me at a fast speed, Scorsese style.

    This film got a bit of stick for being Goodfellas 2, but you can't deny the execution. It's full on Scorsese doing what he does best, and that's bring you a crafty crime drama full of dark humour and a strong lead in DeNiro's casino manager. Joe Pesci's demise in this film has to be one of the most disturbing in recent memory, though. So yeah, not as funny as Goodfellas but somewhat underrated at the same time.

    84: The Hard Way (Vincent Sherman, 1991)

    Speakin' of underrated, this little gem seems to have been forgotton about. I watched it many years ago and LOVED it. For Lethal Weapon, Last Boy Scout and all those other cop flicks. THIS is the best 'buddy movie' i've seen. Michael J Fox is on full charismatic display here as the method actor who teams up with James Woods. James Woods as the hardboiled co'p chasing Stephen Lang's killer has some of the best exchanges in modern american cinema, 'meh, go tie your dick in a knot'. If you haven't seen it, I recommend checking it out.

    82: A Fish Called Wanda (Charles Crichton, 1988)

    I think i'm realising that I like a lot more comedies than I realised! Anyways, I am quite a big fan of this film. I love the interaction between the characters and the mix of American and British cast ensures you get both humours in the SAME film. Kevin Kline and Michael Palin are the standouts in what is a fast paced romp that still had me laughing the other day I saw it. The comic timing is impeccable too. Oh and Jamie Lee Curtis doesn't look half bad in that pic, too

    81: Blade 2 (Guillermo Del Toro, 2002)

    Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of the original Blade film. But where the reason this one gets on the list and its predecessor just misses out, is because this film is simply bigger, faster and even more violent than before. And that's what the Blade films should primarily be about. One of the main reasons the Del Toro version is superior is because he uses a villain that's actually menacing and a worthy adversary to Snipes' Blade. Luke Goss, i think, shocked a lot of people with his surprisingly strong portrayal of Nomak, the mutated vampire.

    But lets not get carried away here, the real stars of this film is the excellent special effects and fight sequences. You can tell Del Toro had fun because every action piece is inventive, gory and dynamic. Shame about Trinity, eh?

    80: Nil By Mouth (Gary Oldman, 1997)

    The poster says it all. This is an intense film and you really wouldn't want to watch it with a partner or your mother or whatever. It's partially based on Gary Oldman's early life in a South London council estate and deals with the domestic abusive relationship between Ray Winstone's brute and Kathy Burke's suffering house wife. There truly are some scenes of uncomfortable savagary and it's another film that's not easy to watch at times. But beneath all the viciousness is a commentary on why women endure such abuse. It's a bit difficult to understan but nevertheless, it's brave and compelling stuff and i'm surprised Oldman has yet to follow this great debut up.
  • 08-04-2010, 04:52 PM

    The Prestige's Prestigious films to immerse you

    Ok, you're a homophobe with an affinity for gay cinema. Brokeback mountain is still a film about a gay relationship. *shrug*
  • 08-04-2010, 02:27 PM

    The Prestige's Prestigious films to immerse you

    Haha, crappy BS variation of the already crappy version, eh? I agree mark. I just love the way you put it.
  • 08-04-2010, 02:22 PM
    Pyro Tramp

    The Prestige's Prestigious films to immerse you

    Yes, thanks for second guessing me once again, shows how well you think you know me. Two of the 'gay' films i've seen- Mysterious Skin and Bad Education- are actually on my Top Movies List.
  • 08-04-2010, 01:37 PM
    The Prestige

    The Prestige's Prestigious films to immerse you

    So Jesse James might be your number 1 or 2 then? I'm curious about your suprising film now...is it a recent film?

    Lol and were you joking about that Pee Wee film?
  • 08-04-2010, 12:56 PM

    The Prestige's Prestigious films to immerse you

    I was pointing out that it's not a film about male friendship which is something anyone should be able to see clearly. One of the central themes of this film is homophobia and its impact on the lives of these two men. Not sure how you could explain that by looking at it as a film about male companionship. It's a film with a specific theme and a very clear, anti-homophobic message which is why I take umbrage when someone completely misses the point and tries to sell it as something it's not.

    But hey, if that gets Pyro here to watch it, be my guest, call it a horror film about knitting. I'd still be willing to bet he'd flinch at some "tenderness" exchanged between these two "buds"...
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