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  • 09-18-2010, 04:35 PM

    "Day of Silence"

    I've noticed you making these claims, calling me unintelligent, implying that I'm hypocritical, yet somehow I don't see examples or, uh, reasons.

    Popularity can get you damn far in an argument on an internet board but you need logic and reasoning too.
  • 09-18-2010, 08:44 AM

    "Day of Silence"

    He should be so glad that you responded, because I saw little substance in that post. I'm sure he continues to not "get it".

    I'm positive that there are larger problems than negative connotations.

    Don't complain about people not helping promote tolerance, if you won't even voice your opinions. If he was willing to ignore you then he probably wasn't a friend. People listening, disagreeing on the sidelines, and not doing anything themselves really shouldn't talk about how ineffective a demonstration/protest/or a person's actions are.
  • 09-18-2010, 06:27 AM

    "Day of Silence"

    Well, maybe next year they will change the name of the day to, "Day of Non-Communication" just to appease people like you that don't grasp the concept of hypocrisy.
  • 09-18-2010, 04:06 AM

    "Day of Silence"

    Glad to see this thread has evolved from the clusterfuck-flamefest that it was two pages ago. Jesus.

    Anyway, some people say I have no reason to be angry about this. I guess I'm just outraged by blatant hypocrisy. It's ridiculous to say you're not going to talk, yet still communicate. It's even more ridiculous to attempt to insult a person by calling them gay when you're trying to defend gays. It's the little things like that that imprint a subconscious hatred towards homosexuals into people's minds. It creates a negative connotation.

    I do not think this makes tolerance for gays at all. I heard a lot of people talking about how much they hate gay people, or how stupid the thing was. My friend told me today that he hates gay people. He said that he doesn't want to associate himself with them. He won't talk to them. I asked him what he'd do if I was gay. He said he'd ignore me. Talk about loyalty.
  • 09-18-2010, 04:03 AM

    "Day of Silence"

    It is true that being rich allows you to exert your social ideals and values more readily, but it does not change the fact that your social ideals or values are the problem. If the rich parents were more liberal we wouldn't be having this conversation. Just because the parents happen to rich does not make them anti gay...their ultra conservative social values do though.

    I can't speak on behalf of your school/community/etc. but usually change would require that you get various persons within the school and community to voice an objection to the "way things are". E.g.- teachers, parents, fellow students, gay, straight, poor, rich, middle class, male, female, etc. Find a peaceful and direct way to get your message across that allows for compromise. At my high school it started with student and individual demonstrations. This resulted in suspensions and detentions, but forced parents to get involved and question school policies. Sometimes it's about: What are you willing to do for a cause/idea?. It shouldn't have to be this drastic, but that's the world we live in.
  • 09-18-2010, 03:36 AM
    im short

    "Day of Silence"

    Good for the Alliance to have that. I think that should be done more frequently.
  • 09-17-2010, 02:03 PM

    "Day of Silence"

    Usually it was treated like the don't ask don't tell policy at my high school. I have to say we usually pushed social limits as guys wore dresses/skirts and gay couples were open about their views/relationships/etc. Some people cared about the potential of being infected by gayness (administration and other narrow-minded students) and others didn't because it wasn't a major concern (or cause for concern).

    Generally, lesbians are criticized less harshly than gay guys, as male gender role rules are more strict. I don't think this is strictly a poor/rich issue as it is about social values and discrimination mixed with sheer ignorance.
  • 09-16-2010, 09:34 PM
    Crazy B

    "Day of Silence"

    Thats because they are getting shot at by the feds.
  • 09-16-2010, 05:21 PM
    arthur d

    "Day of Silence"

    Homosexuality not covered up? Are you fucking joking? Are you gay? Please you do not have SHIT to understand what its like.

    A situation such as fear of people, religion, the future, family and fucking everything you rely on to function is FUCKED over by sexuality.

    Last time I checked homosexuals may or may not endure silence, but for the alternative to silence are things in society much better for them?
  • 09-16-2010, 08:18 AM
    chicken doggie

    "Day of Silence"

    NO U!
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