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  • 09-26-2010, 01:16 AM

    Ultimate Guide To Folding@home

    hey there. i just found all this cool stuff & installed the program on my 2 computers. one runs 24/7, the other is about the same, xcept for an occasional restart. i plan to also install it on my parents' computer later which runs during the day.

    the 2 comps are working on a size 400 WU each. B)
  • 09-25-2010, 09:02 PM

    Ultimate Guide To Folding@home

    just about to go into 300th place, next update might do it. which should be in just over an hour i think

    edit: http://vspx27.stanford.edu/teamstats/team34905.html already past it.
    just wating for eoc stats to update

    and also were over 1500 points per 24hr so we changed colour.
  • 09-25-2010, 05:16 PM
    bEtHaNy SiMoNs!~!!

    Ultimate Guide To Folding@home

    Well done Livy!

    I have made it over the 4000....
  • 09-25-2010, 08:16 AM

    Ultimate Guide To Folding@home

    Well done Livy, 400 WU's.

    You can start your own Chinese phone book now. :lol:
  • 09-25-2010, 04:00 AM

    Ultimate Guide To Folding@home

    the points are more uniform now, so works out better for us probably, at the end of the day, everything is the same for everyone, so.

    also the tinkers are worth a hell of alot more now.
  • 09-24-2010, 10:53 PM
    Stewart C

    Ultimate Guide To Folding@home

    Originally posted by Livy@20 April 2004 - 14:45

    new benchmark computer.

    Finished a WU (p212) yesterday morning and got 160 pts for it.
    Finished another this morning and only got 135 pts. :angry:

    Why have they been tinkering (sorry) with it?
  • 09-24-2010, 10:07 PM

    Ultimate Guide To Folding@home


    new benchmark computer.
  • 09-24-2010, 08:53 PM

    Ultimate Guide To Folding@home

    The Folding@Home client (console or screen saver) shows real time visualizations of the protein simulations being performed. The molecule drawn is the current atomic configuration ("fold") of the protein being simulated on your computer

    There are also many other distributed computing porjects like seti@home (involved in the analysis of signals picked up from space) and fightaids@home.
  • 09-24-2010, 12:17 PM
    lucey lu lu

    Ultimate Guide To Folding@home

    1. there shoudlnt be any risks with running it. just keep an eye on your temps after a couple of minutes

    2. if you remove it, it wont remove everything, it will leave the work unit you are working on and previous settings etc. but can easily be removed by deleting the install folder.

    3. not to sure, i think its just stanford/

    4. i think its pretty worthwhile.

    5. i think the pics are just random, although some of them do actually look like that
  • 09-24-2010, 07:47 AM

    Ultimate Guide To Folding@home

    Just a few questions;

    1) Is there any risk to my P.C me running this? I normally leave it on overnight downloading is this roughly equivalent or does it use alot more CPU power to fold? MY P.C's not going to melt halfway through the night or die under stress?

    2) If I wish to remove the program I can just remove it without any bits remaining and running after I have done so?

    3) What is the information gleamed going to be used for? Is it just to be used by Standford University or the scientific community as a whole? Is there a chance that this insight into proteins allow people to perform nastier tasks (Stuff like cloning - I know this is DNA modification but proteins and amino acids often tie in pretty closely - or creation of harmful biological weapons)?

    4) Is this actually worthwhile or will the whole thing be discredited in a years time when the scientists find there actually doing something a bit wrong and all this folding info is useless?

    5) Are the pics on the user interface the actual pics of the protein being folded or are they just random images?

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