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  • 10-17-2010, 04:36 PM

    Why do people use this network?

    First off grab a decent mod like morph xt with the kad function
    Secondly grad this server list : http://www.gruk.org/list.php , just put the url in the options part and let emule dl it

    Thirdly u will need to set the options correctly , just play with the settings till speeds get better , dont forget the more u ul the quicker u will get to the start of the queues but dont use all of your ul speed otherwise u will block the dl speed , set it to about 75% of max maybe 80%

    also dont try to dl 2000 things at once lol then it will take forever , dl say like 20 files with about 10 finished ones in your incomming folder

    edit : that server list does not have any fake servers on it also those servers on it are about the best ones out there
  • 10-16-2010, 07:23 PM

    Why do people use this network?

    on Edonkey queues are very short usually, unlike emule, and you start downloading almost immediately. Also, you can find rare stuff
  • 10-16-2010, 06:13 AM

    Why do people use this network?

    i rarely have to wait long for files, in fact they dl very fast most the time, i've been using it over a year and will never go anywhere else

    some ss of my high speed dl last night..

    What a crap imagehost is that?! :blink:

    "Please wait 20 seconds" before i can see the image :frusty:
  • 10-13-2010, 05:41 AM

    Why do people use this network?

    i stick with it because it's one of the best programs to use to get asian stuff aside from torrents
  • 10-12-2010, 06:12 PM
    Francesca M

    Why do people use this network?

    Its very good for rare files as each person on the network shares different things and it never goes away like Bitorrent and it doesnt have fakes like Kazaa and it'll develop your patience!!


    What client have you tried? The standard Emule is nowhere near as good as the mod Emule Morph XT. You have to share something obviously but at first it will be slow because you need to become a High ID user, after that no problems. If you share then your queues, will be very short and I dont know about 56k but, with cable its pretty fast.

    P.S. [And also you have to set your upload rate to about 80% of your Download Rate, I think Morph XT already does this in the newuser startup guide...]
  • 10-12-2010, 12:47 PM
    Shauna Abdouche

    Why do people use this network?

    The speed may be slow, but the choice outweighs it. Plenty of stuff, especially rare and professional.
  • 10-12-2010, 10:06 AM

    Why do people use this network?

    I use 4 things simultaneously, actually,.
    - Kaaza Lite k++
    - Emule
    - BitTorrent
    - Shareza

    Everyone of them uses different networks. But I use them when I have nothign to surf.
  • 10-12-2010, 06:34 AM
    Agent Krug

    Why do people use this network?

    for me, it is very good to find textbooks and solutions manuals!!
  • 10-12-2010, 12:59 AM

    Why do people use this network?

    I get all my music off Oink, having got an invite from a kind soul on here. Am I missing out by not exploring things like EMule or DC++? The choice on Oink is pretty great, a fair few rarities, and most everything seems to come round on there eventually, and dls can be pretty fast- new Franz Ferdinand took four and a half minutes, Soulseek was never like this. But maybe I should explore.
  • 10-11-2010, 03:04 PM

    Why do people use this network?

    For old stuff and things far too obscure to ever have hit BT. Besides I do not mind waiting a couple of days for something (years of dealing with the administration have given me a patience of Dalai-Lama-esque proportions :01: ).
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