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  • 10-16-2010, 07:49 PM
    Man Egg L Two

    Why is emule very slow in downloading files?

    If u use it right: open ports, share at descent upspeed, then it can be surprisingly fast

    Also i have noticed that my isp caps its speed, same as with torrents. But luckily only when there is a lot of traffic, so at night and during the day it works fine, but at evening i just get low id and stuff. And with torrents it is capped to 60-80k... Took me some time to figure out it was my isp, so maybe its that?
  • 10-16-2010, 12:16 PM

    Why is emule very slow in downloading files?

    Thats the problem with the Mule its great for rare stuff but have to wait months
  • 10-15-2010, 12:12 PM
    Danish Deshmukh

    Why is emule very slow in downloading files?

    just make port forward in yr router
  • 10-15-2010, 10:11 AM
    Susie H

    Why is emule very slow in downloading files?

    Run your mule 24/7. Thats the classic way of using emule efficiently.
    As stated above, if you want speed, use bittorrent, if you want the rare stuff, use emule.

    although, if you first started on bittorrent and are just now discovering emule, you'll find it hard to adjust to the speeds and the whole principle. luckily, i started the other way around and have the patience to make the best of it.
  • 10-14-2010, 04:14 PM

    Why is emule very slow in downloading files?

    eMule Very quickly with the files small :01: Very slow with large files :dry:

    ًWith Small File's got 60 K/b s . With large File's got 5 to 15 k/b s :blink:

  • 10-14-2010, 03:11 PM

    Why is emule very slow in downloading files?

    Yeah thats the problem with emule, but then, theres stuff you can only get there (rare stuff). If you dont need something rare you're really better off joining a torrent community.
  • 10-14-2010, 01:53 PM

    Why is emule very slow in downloading files?

    To Share a lot and have patience are important, you will see your results after a while..so keep sharing.
  • 10-14-2010, 11:04 AM
    Christopher M.

    Why is emule very slow in downloading files?

    yikes, i don't know that i have the patience for this, will try slsk
  • 10-14-2010, 08:01 AM

    Why is emule very slow in downloading files?

    To Share a lot and have patience are important, you will see your results after a while..so keep sharing.
  • 10-14-2010, 07:12 AM

    Why is emule very slow in downloading files?

    Quote Originally Posted by rossco View Post
    REALLY slow when compared to newsgroups.:whistling
    LOL - I knew that was coming sooner or later :cool2:
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