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  • 10-18-2010, 08:25 AM

    HDbits.org , New rule .. good users are not allowed

    I don't understand why this old topic is still active. I think that this topic was created for a year ago. I didn't read all the posters through.
  • 10-18-2010, 12:57 AM

    HDbits.org , New rule .. good users are not allowed

    Quote Originally Posted by moffe View Post

    Meassure my huge e-penis...! I have one billion posts, i ownz j00! keke ^^

    Pretty ironic considering your nice "plethora" of userbars in your signature
  • 10-17-2010, 03:20 PM

    HDbits.org , New rule .. good users are not allowed

    You got that right.
  • 10-17-2010, 02:05 PM

    HDbits.org , New rule .. good users are not allowed

    Quote Originally Posted by P2PDog View Post

    Myself, and my family, like to watch more than I can seed with the crappy connection that I have, and yes, I have lots of things to do... thanks for your concern. I'm happy for you if you're able to d/l everything you want, I'm able to do that too, now that I have a seedbox. I don't pay $10 for a news server because, IMO, newsgroups suck.
    I'm not concerned with the cost, like I said it's much cheaper than my cable bill, which if it wasn't for others in the house that watch it, I would cancel, since nearly everything I watch is something I've downloaded. I almost never watch network TV.
    Usenet is not for everyone, but to say that it "sucks" displays your outright inexperience and lack of knowledge. Some people, even after experimenting with it find that they would rather download content for free, but those are few and far between. And even of those, they never choose to revert due to lack of content.

    Usenet was around way before private BT trackers. It predates them by some twenty years and releases of apps, TV programs, and the latest films traditionally go to Usenet first. It's always been that way. Usenet and its numerous groups, has many, many more uploaders than any private torrent site.

    Now I'm not saying that some BT trackers don't have uploaders that cap TV shows or crack programs and release them exclusively to the site but Usenet is the place for getting releases first. You have to know the right groups, of course, but once you've got your favorite groups entrenched in your newsreader of choice, you'll find everything you need and will be able to download it sooner and faster than if you relied on your private tracker.

    Using Giganews and Alt.Binz I have 240+ days of content to download* at max speeds which downloads, fixes, and extracts itself.

    * As an example, Newzbin can provide me with approximately 120,000 posts of content** whilst the average on my private trackers is about 10,000. Usenet search engines reveal literally hundreds of thousands of files available.

    ** That's new and old content. At max speed. All the time. With no need to upload.

    There really is no comparison.

    The existence of so many users shilling out much more cash than a news server would cost, for seedboxes is just plain foolish and a waste of money.
  • 10-17-2010, 04:15 AM

    HDbits.org , New rule .. good users are not allowed

    okay but the fact is after all this back and forth..they said you used RM you say you didn't . You didn't get your account enabled and now its turned into bickering between users who traded/or didn't. FACT : your account is gone. I don't know you I have nothing against you but its time to let go.
  • 10-17-2010, 04:04 AM
    Summer Rain

    HDbits.org , New rule .. good users are not allowed

    Quote Originally Posted by mafija View Post
    I dont think so cry baby.:lol:The only thing that is poor is your character
    You have no shame man:yup:
    What I would like is for the FST-staff to go trough this incredible arse's posts and look for any usefull posts besides the flaming and the insults ... imho when looking at his postcount the banhammer wouldn't be too excessive.

    He just insults everyone without knowing what he is actulally taking about.
  • 10-17-2010, 03:59 AM

    HDbits.org , New rule .. good users are not allowed

    To be more specific:

    If you up-/download less than 1 GB per week (approximately), your account is considered to be "inactive". This is an average value; you are not forced to actually up-/download 1 GB every week. (FL download isn't taken into account)
    My understanding on "approximately" - should be an average base on your account age?
  • 10-16-2010, 07:12 PM

    HDbits.org , New rule .. good users are not allowed

    About giving away accounts i have nothing to say , i made a mistake because i wasn't thinking in the consecuences. I addmit that. (and it was like a year ago)

    But i wont let anyone call me a cheater

    EDIT : oh and Major , dont come here like you were an angel , im sure that you made some trades in the past , like i did .. like % 90 of the users here did.
  • 10-16-2010, 05:12 PM

    HDbits.org , New rule .. good users are not allowed

    Quote Originally Posted by respawn40 View Post
    There's always something left out of the story... amirite
    Quite possibly you are. Lets assume that this user does own a seedbox. Maybe he wasn't seeding as fast as he thought he would with his seedbox and decided to cheat to augment his upload. He could have been running a cheat program directly from his seedbox so that he could explain his speeds if he ever aroused suspicion. But then he got caught. Judging by his 100+ trading points, he probably got his invitation from FST. Fearing his inviter exposing him here, he beats him to the punch by admitting to the ban in public and professing his innocence.

    Sound like a reasonable scenario?

    EDIT** I'm not accusing this guy of cheating. I'm merely underscoring the fact that we never know the whole story.
  • 10-16-2010, 04:15 PM

    HDbits.org , New rule .. good users are not allowed

    Are you out of you mind ? ... how you dare to consider me a " not good person" for giving away accounts in some trackers??

    This is internet , not the real life .. , and when i did that , I was having a lot of family troubles and i didn't consider the consecuences, but i had good intentions with that , i wasn't trying to fuck my inviters, thats why i reconsider the giveaway , and erase a lot of accounts.

    You DONT know me, so the next time please watch your words.

    PS: I didn't want this kind of thread , i just wanted an answer for the unfair ban. Some people think that FST is the life.

    Quote Originally Posted by stoi View Post
    ah well cant help you then, im not a member and i have never spoke to the staff over there, was just curious if that was the case or not.
    Thanks anyway
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