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  • 10-14-2010, 07:02 AM

    How many closed threads....?

    If the trolls don't get an answer to their stupidity, they'll lose the fun doing sh*t like that...
    I think one of the best ways would be if posts by trolls would be simply ignored by all... this isn't possible, i know. But i think it's important to encourage the good people to ignore them and don't answer these whining threads.
  • 10-14-2010, 06:38 AM
    Ricky P

    How many closed threads....?

    I believe this may be a user option in vBulletin 3, but Jelsoft still hasn't given a release date on that.
  • 10-14-2010, 02:18 AM

    How many closed threads....?

    Here the thread is linear .. a troll can fill up page after page.

    In usenet you don't have to dig through the troll's pages at all .. if you use google groups, for instance, you can see the branch that the troll rules and ignore it, istead reading another branch.

    This is just for thought .. I don't expect the format to change now. But maybe some day you will change the format, so keep this feature in mind.

    Perhaps another feature could be to have a kill-file built into this forum like in Usenet, you set your killfile and when you log in the trolls go away!

    I think the best defense is cultural - counter the troll if you have hard facts and the time to find good references, if all you can say is 'no it isn't' then the troll has won, because then you give it another opportunity to say 'yes it is' and fill up the thread with two messages, and all the troll has to do is write one message!

    If all a troll posts is an opinion, fine that's an opinion, not a fact, just ignore it. If they post incorrect facts correct them with a reference to correct facts on the net.

  • 10-13-2010, 07:51 PM

    How many closed threads....?

    BearShare rulz!

    Only kidding. Quit closing threads, I don't think it helps. Just let it run its course.
    Usenet gets off topic all the time and it survived. We can all sort it out with our minds.
    Kick back and be happy we have traffic here. Some may find this entertaining.
  • 10-13-2010, 04:12 PM
    Deadeye Dick

    How many closed threads....?

    It doesn
  • 10-13-2010, 01:53 PM

    How many closed threads....?

    okay, then the trolls win.
    gnutellaforum does constantly lose quality and
    Vinnie's bearwire imperium spreads.
  • 10-12-2010, 03:43 PM
    PaTH oF RagE

    How many closed threads....?

    Do you know how much work it is? I am not daily around I have also a private life... if you think you can do this job better ask CycloCide to be a mod!

  • 10-12-2010, 03:29 PM

    How many closed threads....?

    the trolls rule this forum!

    they flood with offtopic twaddle and brawl... and all the moderators do is closing threads. How bad.

    Get rid of the trolls and move all their flooding (which are more then 50% of flooded threads) into different threads. Don't let trolls rule this forum and don't let them destory communication with their hate.

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