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  • 10-16-2010, 02:15 AM


    Kiss Kiss
  • 10-15-2010, 05:06 PM


    thanks to you both for your help!! Peerless, I know you told me, but I just needed more details computer whiz I am NOT. Fluffyfluff1 thanks to you, as well. Thank you,thank you,thank you, both of you!!
  • 10-15-2010, 05:15 AM


    Ozomatilslady, It is simple and safe to place your Morpheus files into a new folder.To create a new folder go to your desktop. Right click anywhere on screen. A menu will pop up, scroll down and you will see "new"with an arrow, place mouse over that and the you will see another little window and you can choose "folder" This will place a new folder on your desktop. Right click it , scroll down to Rename click that and rename it anything you want. Now to transfer your Morpheus files into your renamed folder. I don't know whether or not you have a Morpheus folder on your desktop but if you do just open it up and on any blank area in the folder just right click, then choose " Select All" . Now right click again and select "Cut"(if you just want to make copies of the files choose "Copy" instead) . Next go back and grab your new renamed folder, open up and right click anywhere in the opened folder and choose "Paste". There you go all your files moved safely to another folder in just a few little clicks. I hope this helps you, By the way, if you do this Musicmatch will still recognize your music. I have done this several times when trying new p2p programs and have had no problems what so ever I sure do talk alot huh? Bye bye and good luck!
  • 10-14-2010, 11:43 PM


    OK, I know it's been a little since I started this thread. I thank you for your input. I have been giving LW a chance, since I cannot use Morpheus anymore. Now, there was something that did not occur to me when I first started this,DUH!! If I have all my music on Musicmatch as well as in the Morpheus folder, when I uninstall Morpheus, will it still mess up my music?? You said I can transfer them to the directory of the new P2P I'll d/l soon, I would rather do that, I mean, it's all about sharing. When I get my answer about my files, then I will uninstall morpheus. Sorry this is taking me awhile....please bear with me, I'll get this computer stuff down pat one of these days!! But until then I appreciate your help. Oh, and before I forget, I don't know how to open two windows at once to transfer my "morheus music". Please explain more. Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
    Does Shareaza really offer more files than Limewire?
  • 10-14-2010, 06:43 PM
    8 weeks pregnant with #1


    Use the Winodws Explorer. It's the most practical way.

    "In the dark we make a brighter light"
  • 10-14-2010, 06:25 PM


    to you both for your input..........Peerless, I wil see if I can figure out how to move my files to another folder. If I can't figure it out, I will come back for help.Thanks
  • 10-14-2010, 03:31 PM


    Assuming you are using a PC/Windows I strongly suggest you try Shareaza - It is my favorite and I think you will like it ... it has no ads or spyware, it has a lot of tools ... the latest Gnutella features and it works!

    ps. It is free
  • 10-14-2010, 08:49 AM


    OK, now I understand that Morpheus is no longer on Gnutella. Ever since I downloaded the new version, it messes up my computer when I log on....I AM SOOO TIRED OF MORPHEUS NOW!!! I have a question, I am going to look for other alternatives, please name me some that will NOT mess up my computer........actually 2 questions.........if I uninstall Morpheus, will I lose the songs I already have downloaded. Please use lay terms..computer whiz I am NOT. Thank you.
    I have NO luck with Limewire.

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