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  • 10-18-2010, 10:36 PM

    Always the same 2 files? Voluntary injection of bogus adverts?

    And it's generally from T1 sources.
  • 10-18-2010, 09:12 PM
    Xx Evelyne xX

    Always the same 2 files? Voluntary injection of bogus adverts?

    Same thing happens to me...

    Test it.

    You can search for "h0-titux785ttyiuew ergreiuer" and something will come back. It'sll have underscores in the title.
  • 10-17-2010, 10:52 PM
    Fresh Princess of VanCity

    Always the same 2 files? Voluntary injection of bogus adverts?

    I'm guessing in theory yes. That's if they don't use one of those constantly changing ips (Dynamic' versus 'Static' IPs.)
  • 10-17-2010, 03:08 AM

    Always the same 2 files? Voluntary injection of bogus adverts?

    But the interesting thing here is that a machine is systematically listening for new requests and voluntarily injecting responses to those requests with bogus info.

    It should, thus, be possible to track that specific machine and retaliate?

  • 10-17-2010, 01:36 AM
    Doctor Monmon

    Always the same 2 files? Voluntary injection of bogus adverts?

    Hope this gies you a good idea about what's happening: Quality of Content on the Network (click on link)

    What I do is to add .wmv .jpg & .exe into my keyword filters. For LW go to LW's menu Tools, Options & Filters & Keywd Filter & press Add. Type in the word & press apply. (For mac osx that means LW's prefs & filters.) You can take these filter words out & re-Add anytime to suit you.
  • 10-16-2010, 02:08 PM
    !! I Want a Baby!!!

    Always the same 2 files? Voluntary injection of bogus adverts?

    Hi all!

    Has anyone also noticed this? I'm using LimeWirePro (don't know if it happens with other clients): I type in a random search string (I make it as much a random set of letters as possible) and then I do search; The first 2 responses that come up are systematically one JPG and one WMV file. The JPG file is systematically 41.9 kB and the WMV file is systematically 105.2 kB.

    These files have for a name the exact search string I entered; but with underscores between the letters.

    If I have 2 different searches going on, with 2 different search strings, I get and try to download the JPG (for example) file from both search results, LimeWire tells me that I'm already loading the file (despite different file names; since this is different search strings). So the files are actually the same (same hashes)...

    And when opening the files, they are advertizements for iPod Mini...

    Anybody notice this?

    Anybody has an idea on how to stop the machine initiating this from continuing?

    This is clearly a focused effort at producing bogus results on the Gnutella network (unless LimeWirePro is actually doing advertizement without telling me and this is not really a file on the Gnutella network)?

    Ideas anybody?


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