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  • 10-20-2010, 03:16 PM

    Announcement for Giganews and NewsDemon Users, Please Read

    Thought I would chime in on this. From my experience with Giganews, is that they are great and they better be for the amount of money they want for their service. I went with Astraweb nearly a year ago and have found them to be equivalent to Giganews in service but far less expensive. I rarely get missing pieces and when I do they are so few that they are usually repairable, easily. The other day, I downloaded something that was 760 days old. So far Astraweb have been awesome and I would recommend them to anyone.
  • 10-20-2010, 01:12 AM

    Announcement for Giganews and NewsDemon Users, Please Read

    Quote Originally Posted by Skiz View Post

    Why would I go to a server where I would get laughed at and kicked? Thanks, but no thanks. This is your battle, and a shit one at that.

    The bottom line is, you're trying to say that Giganews is deleting posts and hence, users are not able to obtain their HBO downloads. I'm saying you're full of shit because not one person has been able to name a show that I cannot download. Not one. Old, new, or ancient fucking history. Sounds like a witch hunt to me...
    Maybe I can be that "one person"

    This was mentioned on another thread that virtually all the shows of "Big Love" season-4 in 720P are incomplete and non-repairable on Giganews and Highwinds. I noticed that season 03 is the same way. Here's a sample:


    Look at all the Big Love shows posted by "teevee" and "teh" between 200 and 600 days ago

    S03: E02 thru 10
    S04: E01 thru 08

    These 17 releases all have 32 rar files in each set, each rar has one chunk missing, and there are not enough par2 blocks posted to repair any of them. A complete failure for Giganews and Highwinds.

    I hope this is sufficient proof that SOL is definitely not "full of shit" :P
  • 10-19-2010, 12:18 PM

    Announcement for Giganews and NewsDemon Users, Please Read

    Indeed. I've been trying out Astra again this month (I left a year or so ago after the problems started) and although they've been OK overall they've given me enough issues to keep me paying $19.99 to Giga for unlimited use and free SSL. For example, just to redress the balance, I just ran a nice 1080p NZB through NZB Download Checker, and although it's 100% complete on Giganews, Astra has quite a bit of it missing (almost 1% damaged). Giga's support answers tickets within 10 minutes usually, whereas the last three or four times I've sent tickets to Astra (this week included), they've taken between 2 and 5 DAYS to reply. I last posted Astra and Giga tickets (at the same time) on Tuesday... Giga replied 5 mins later. Astra still haven't gotten back to me. THAT is what Giga users pay for, imho.
  • 10-19-2010, 11:46 AM

    Announcement for Giganews and NewsDemon Users, Please Read

    Why are you looking there? Reading text newsgroups is a long lost skill I guess.
    u misunderstood. I was simply referring to newzbin report i wasnt looking there for headers RAB
    For ur consideration ive been using usenet for years and ive always worked directly with headers( god bless compressed headers! lol)
  • 10-19-2010, 11:35 AM
    Reyna M

    Announcement for Giganews and NewsDemon Users, Please Read

    Quote Originally Posted by nntpjunkie View Post
    Serious question here...why do some swear by Giganews - Yes the service is solid but it is dammed expensive. I was a with them for a couple months (completion issues) but left when I tried Astraweb w/ newshosting for filler account - all still cheaper than GN - what is the big mystery here?
    No mystery at all to me; they're a superb service. They have the highest retention, exceptionally fast customer service (the one time I needed it).

    Yes, they're more expensive but with the constant complaints I hear on this board about poor Astraweb completion rates, and routine postings of how people have left them b/c it was so bad, I'm fine paying a few dollars more for the peace of mind that everything I download is going to complete. That includes HBO shows, contrary to what SOL has posted. That first post is so incorrect and deceiving....
  • 10-19-2010, 02:02 AM

    Announcement for Giganews and NewsDemon Users, Please Read

    This is getting as tedious as Xbox 360 vs PS3 debates.

    Yes, astraweb is almost half the price of giganews but giganews does have much better customer service and in general is much more reliable as a service than astraweb, is that worth paying a extra $9 a month for that? Not in my opinion but that's up to the user to decide if it's worth that to them. Astraweb fanboys who call giganews users losers or whatever for paying what they pay for giganews are sad, how does it effect you? It doesn't one bit, it's their money, get over it. This is from someone who uses astraweb.
  • 10-18-2010, 09:06 PM
    Vtec Powa

    Announcement for Giganews and NewsDemon Users, Please Read

    LOL I've better things to do with my day than shoot the breeze with someone mid-PMS just looking to moan. This might be 'teh internetz' but I'm afraid I left the under 16s pissing contests behind a couple of decades ago. Enjoy the rest of your day, I know I will. Toodle pip.
  • 10-18-2010, 08:43 PM

    Announcement for Giganews and NewsDemon Users, Please Read

    Ive searched for ur mathematical stuff....

    1)660 days ago:
    Parts checked: 631
    Undownloadable parts: 0
    All OK!

    2)634 days ago:

    Parts checked: 785
    Undownloadable parts: 0
    All OK!

    3) 72 days ago ( ur newzbin report)

    Parts checked: 881
    Undownloadable parts: 47
    5,33% of the data can't be downloaded!

    cant be repaired, indeed.

    But let me ask u just 2 questions:

    1) Does astraweb give ther subscribers 100% guarantee that all stuff posted to usenet is available?

    2)Wtf do u need for an nntp provider with 717 days+ retention if u dont use its full potential?

    is the message-id of a text article in 'giganews.general' where Philip Molter, CTO of Giganews, says that some articles were removed due to a DMCA takedown request.
    Really?Thats interesting
    I cant find it on this newzbin report example.. Are u quite sure?

    PS Posters should create larger PAR2 files so that miserable giganews users could repair 1-2 blocks missing from every rar, lol
  • 10-18-2010, 05:42 PM

    Announcement for Giganews and NewsDemon Users, Please Read

    Quote Originally Posted by SonsOfLiberty View Post

    We don't do that, most movies and TV and games are bot posted not HUMAN posted.

    And yes fine what ever so they don't deleted everyone, but they do get removed, not the whole thing, but just enough parts not to repair.

    Just give it time you will get those errors

    And yes it is a fact because we use ND and GN for posting/grabbing the NFO's during NZB posting and guess what I get "article not found" which means they've been deleted.

    There were many posts about it HBO shows being deleted else where, and I've never EVER had one single article missing from Astraweb that I've downlaoded, the 200 days stuff is when Astraweb had completeion problems where uploads didn't complete and became broken. Most of that stuff is fixed now or has bee reposted....

    The worst part is how can people pay an extra $20-30 more a month for Giganews....

    Skiz yes it's a known fact, we get complaints in the IRC channel all the time about True Blood and HBO shows being deleted EP01-03 are un completelable both by users here and users at NZBSRUS, hence the many repostings of it.

    Try downloading those HBO shows in 2 weeks or so, some aren't 24 hours, this was only an example, because it's been done and has happened.

    For example Deadwood is just 100 days old and has been deleted from the servers...
    Serious question here...why do some swear by Giganews - Yes the service is solid but it is dammed expensive. I was a with them for a couple months (completion issues) but left when I tried Astraweb w/ newshosting for filler account - all still cheaper than GN - what is the big mystery here?
  • 10-18-2010, 04:44 PM

    Announcement for Giganews and NewsDemon Users, Please Read

    Quote Originally Posted by c0ld View Post
    You herd wrong then, they just hide your traffic, but come with an overhead.

    That's what I mean. I've used proxies that literally turn my high speed cable internet into barely broadband.

    Any? They only cost a few dollars. Get one close to you if you want speed, or in another countries if you want some minor increase in protection from prosecution. Relakks? Hell, get your own virtual server and set up your own vpn, less chance of being blocked then.
    What service would you recommend for multi-national access? I do travel a lot, sometimes internationally, so I would like USA VPN, but I would also like international servers for security reasons. Not only that but I hear you can't get some things in the USA.
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