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  • 10-30-2010, 10:36 PM

    "Critically acclaimed" films that you hated

    absolutely - I love *brazil*


  • 10-30-2010, 08:29 PM

    "Critically acclaimed" films that you hated

    What's to understand? I admit that I didn't get that it was one of the scientists at the end on first viewing, but other than that it's simple enough.

    I think it's a great film.
  • 10-30-2010, 04:11 PM

    "Critically acclaimed" films that you hated

    How about tweleve Monkeys.

    What was going on there? I think everyone says they love it because they don't actually want to admit to not understanding a second of it.
  • 10-30-2010, 03:50 PM

    "Critically acclaimed" films that you hated

    Just had to join in and say that Signs is one of the biggest load of crap I have watched in a long time.
    Also, have to agree with the Matrix "haters" - again, totally underpants - seriously over-rated!
  • 10-30-2010, 12:18 PM

    "Critically acclaimed" films that you hated

    Battleship Potemkin is the other film (along with Citizen Kane) that's usually cited as revolutionising cinema with lots of innovative techniques. Which might be great if your a film student, but not so great for your typical punter who wants to be entertained. Never seen it myself.

    And whilst we're talking film student type films: The Seventh Seal. What's all that about (I mean apart from playing chess on a Swedish beach).

    And many many others. Terry Gillian did the same shot in Brazil with a vacuum cleaner IIRC. And please nobody slate Brazil or I'm going to have to get violent

  • 10-30-2010, 05:22 AM
    Red Ant

    "Critically acclaimed" films that you hated

    The Usual Suspects
    What a load of absolute drivel. Everybody thinks the ending is a fantastic. Rubbish 'cos there's is no way you can work it out 'cos you never get to see the evidence in the room.
  • 10-29-2010, 07:13 PM

    "Critically acclaimed" films that you hated

    LOTR was critically acclaimed and received several Oscar nominations. I hated it the first time - but then I bought the extended version and think it's a decent movie.

    The Rock and Con Air both received good reviews and are regarded by most as great action movies. And they are.

    The Matrix is also regarded as an SF classic.

    Oh - and Kubrick tenRAB to suck.
  • 10-29-2010, 10:53 AM

    "Critically acclaimed" films that you hated

    because it was so original?

    i saw *two weeks notice* at the w/e and pretty much knew every single thing that was going to happen in the entire film before they happened. didn't make it a great film tho'.

    i saw Citizen Kane years ago, and liked it more than i thought i would. from the off it creates this mystery, and from then on the film is very well structured, the way the episodes unfold and we discover more and more about him, in contrast to what our initial view of him may have been.

    and there are, for its day, some great shots in it - for example the panning in and out from above of a glasshouse / room (or something like that - it was a long time ago when I saw it.

    anyway, enough film and tv studies waffle.

    my one would have to be *battleship potemkin* an apparently brilliant microcosm of the russian revolution, or some such, but dull as hell...

    althogh it did have that scene with the pram going down the steps that was perhaps most famously copied in *the untouchables*.

    cue someone else to waffle about the merits of *battleship potemkin*.....

  • 10-29-2010, 05:42 AM

    "Critically acclaimed" films that you hated

    I agree totally that Citizen Kane is vastly overrated not to mention 'dull as hell'. It's currently Number 8 in imdb.co.uk's top films of all time ! Why ?

    ...and I cant believe that nobody has mentioned Memento yet. It was confusing and pointless until the very end. Why it got such rave reviews I don't know. Good performanced by Guy Pearce and Carrie-Ann Moss but still useless in my opinion.
  • 10-29-2010, 05:39 AM
    TERI Sexton

    "Critically acclaimed" films that you hated

    I'll give you 7 quid for it Coca Cola.
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