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  • 11-15-2010, 08:35 PM

    Do you believe that "Under God" should be removed from the Pledge in public schools?

    And a little earlier you were saying:

  • 11-14-2010, 09:23 PM

    Do you believe that "Under God" should be removed from the Pledge in public schools?

    Well put black aces.Interesting post. Hopefully Hunter might take note of the TRue Americans(TM) who endorsed the treaty of Tripoli.

    DOes anyone have any numbers on how many americans are christains? As opposed to other religons (jewish, hindu) or athiest?
  • 11-14-2010, 06:49 PM
    Belinda R

    Do you believe that "Under God" should be removed from the Pledge in public schools?

    God did not create this government - the Founding Fathers did. And unless you worship the Founding Fathers, I see no merit in claiming that any particular religion somehow is the "root of this nation's political principles" and therefore neeRAB to be supported by the State.
  • 11-14-2010, 04:13 PM

    Do you believe that "Under God" should be removed from the Pledge in public schools?

    hone: [CENTER]

    [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Again, it seems that you are whining and crying and assuming that I want to, and or all the so called "liberals" want to take your God away from you and others in this country. And once again, your insecurities about your faith and your God are rearing its ugly head.

    As far as me liking that God is here to stay? God will always be a part of my world, and I have no problem with that. I wasnt aware that he was being taken from me. I am sorry that you feel like the world wants to ruin your God. It is to bad that your Christian God isnt more like my Christian God. My God knows that even if everyone in this world attacked me for what I believed in, or beat me because of my beliefs, whatever those may be, that He will always remain safe in my heart and no one will ever be able to take Him from me. Unless I choose to let him be taken.

    Anyways, back to the thread and laws based on the 10 commandments.

    What laws exactly have been created based on the 10 commandments?
    Do we have laws written on the books that say that if you believe in any other God before the one true Christian God that you will go to jail for 6 months to a year? Or anything remotely close to that?
    I know of no one that has ever been arrested for breaking the 1st commandment. Nor anyone who has broken any law that you say we created based upon all 10 commandments, do you?
    I dunno, can someone get life without parole because they had some other God before this one true God?
    Any lawyers out there who can help us out here? Pweese pweese pweese!!
    I have seen many images of Jesus and Mary all over this great country of ours, but I have never heard, not even once, that any one who has ever created a picture or image of Mary, Jesus, or any other holy spirit from in the heavens go to jail becuase they choose to create beautiful images. Have you? Has anyone on these boarRAB?

    Commandment #2? What laws have been created and or established based on this second commandment?
    Can anyone imagine how many people would be in jail for breaking the laws that we have supposedly written concerning those who break this commandment? Maybe its not as bad if you just spell out the lorRAB name instead of using it as a curse word? Maybe one will only get probabtion for taking the LorRAB name in vain using sign language, eh?
    Whats the context of that law anyways?

    Commandment #3?
    Not resting on the Lord's day will get ya 5-10, right?
    #3 in a nutshell says, "Observe the sabbath day, keep it holy, as the LORD your God commanded you...."
    I don't even want to think how much jail time I would have to do. Part of my job is to work on the sabbath. And I do it every weekend. I wonder if while i'm in jail will I be forced to again work on the Sabbath again? Geez, if I keep breaking the law that was based on this commandment originally, I just may never be able to get out....

    Lets see, in reality, there's no way we can have laws based on all of these commandments.
    We actually only have maybe 2 that we can say we have laws based on.Commandments #5 and Commandment # 7. Thou shall not kill and thou shall not steal. And there's a third one too that we can say may have been based on a commandment. That would be Commandment #8. Thou shall not bear false witness. But hey, its not always a criminal act when bearing false witness against others. Its only a crime if you bear false witness while you're under oath.

    Soooo, other than those 2 and that far reaching 3rd one, there are no other commandments that we have created laws for, right? So, thats 2, possibly 3 out of the 10 commandments that we have that could be said to have influenced our laws.
    2 and a possible 3 . It doesn't even make up a third of the commandments Moses brought down from the mount.

    So since its actually 2 or 3 out of these 10 commandments, can someone please explain just how does anyone come to the conclusion that the laws in this country are ALL based on the 10 commandments?
    We can't even say we have laws based on half of them. If we can't even say half are of our laws are based on Moses Commandments from the mount, just how is it possible that you think you have a right to say that this country's laws are based on the 10 commandments at all?? 2 or 3 isn't even close to 10. Its not even a third.

    I could easily say, and also probably be able to back it up with facts, that this country doesn't use the 10 Commandments to write the laws that we choose to govern ourselves with.

    We pretty much dispelled the "this country's laws are all based on the 10 commandments" myth that some backwooRAB hick judge thinks is real.
    Its time to dispell this notion that this country was founded on religious principles or Christian religion. If you read Article XI of the "Treaty with Tripoli" you will see what exactly our Founding Fathers wanted and what this country was NOT founded on.

    I hope that you choose to actually read the "Treaty with Tripoli" and see for yourself what is written in Artilce XI of the Treaty. The very first sentence in Article XI makes it very plain and very clear and states exactly what it is that our Founding Fathers believed in and what it was that they wanted. After having read it a number of times myself I don't think that I need any more information on this topic. I no longer have any doubts as to what it was that they wanted for this nation. I just wish more people would see it as well.

    The Treaty of Tripoli, passed by the U.S. Senate in 1797, read in part:
    "The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion." The treaty was written during the Washington administration, and sent to the Senate during the Adams administration. It was read aloud to the Senate, and each Senator received a printed copy. This was the 339th time that a recorded vote was required by the Senate, but only the third time a vote was unanimous (the next time was to honor George Washington). There is no record of any debate or dissension on the treaty. It was reprinted in full in three newspapers - two in Philadelphia, one in New York City. There is no record of public outcry or complaint in subsequent editions of the papers.
    Not a single peep, nor a a single debate amongst any of them when that first sentence in Article XI was read.

    Now common sense should dictate that if our Founding Fathers were all on the Senate floor representing their state and the people who lived there. It was going to be the Founding Fathers who would be the ones to ratify this new treaty, if they did not believe or agree with any of the wording, then it can be assumed that if any had they would have objected to Article XI of this Treaty, they would have done so immediately, correct?
    But there were no objections, no nay votes, nothing, it passed unaimousily.
    Common sense tells me that If Washington and Adams were ok with this deal, and if the Senate unaimously agrees, then I have no other option that to believe that the Founding Fathers had never once intended for this country to be a christian country.
    According to Article XI of this Treaty, [B]"the government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion."You cant get any more clearer than that. Adams, Washington, and the US Senate all agreed with Article XI, and now I believe I know what it was that they wanted too.
  • 11-14-2010, 07:42 AM

    Do you believe that "Under God" should be removed from the Pledge in public schools?

    God originated the government of America. Why should God be ignored by his creation? Duh!!
  • 11-13-2010, 12:18 PM

    Do you believe that "Under God" should be removed from the Pledge in public schools?

    I appoligize for sounding like I was superior, I just get a little angry when people try to tell me in a superior manner that I will wish I believed in God someday. I know I shouldn't try to retaliate, but when they talk (or type, rather) down to me telling me I'll be sorry that I don't believe in God I used their same logic (that the person posting was right about religion) and essentially infered that God was made up in a book. Of course I don't know this is true anymore than anyone else knows there is a God. I just want to make it clear that I have morals just like everyone else even if I don't get them from a book or supreme being (what I would have said were I not pi$$ed off.

    In response to your last question I think that were there a God he would understand my position and if he didn't understand and sent me to hell or wherever I wouldn't want to worship him anyway. As long as life is the only time I control my destiny, I want to do it, not let someone else control my destiny.

    By the way, thank you for actually discussing religion in a polite fashion and asking intelligent questions instead of the usual posts telling me I am wrong. Your posts have made me think about my views on religion and that's really the main reason I'm here.
  • 11-13-2010, 11:13 AM
    Kellen S

    Do you believe that "Under God" should be removed from the Pledge in public schools?

    Both of you

  • 11-12-2010, 01:44 PM
    nikki a

    Do you believe that "Under God" should be removed from the Pledge in public schools?

    Where did you get that stat? Last I see was 90-95 percent of all the people in the USA believe in God..........
  • 11-11-2010, 09:15 PM
    hey =)

    Do you believe that "Under God" should be removed from the Pledge in public schools?

    Is it only me who find the whole "pledge-thing" weird in itself? My oppion? Get rid of the pledge instead and you don`t have to have this whole debacle
  • 11-11-2010, 12:47 PM

    Do you believe that "Under God" should be removed from the Pledge in public schools?

    you sure about that?

    Or is it 1/3 of the population doesn't follow the big 3?
    I don't buy the "any type of religion" at all, but the non-big 3 does seem realistic.
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