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  • 11-15-2010, 10:57 PM
    david x

    For my Liberal friends, Do you hate President Bush more then you love the USA?

    If you where retired navy you would understand that people have came back from wars saying that they went because they protected our right to burn the flag and not becuase they believed in their mission.
  • 11-14-2010, 09:18 PM

    For my Liberal friends, Do you hate President Bush more then you love the USA?

    VoR Thank you for your posts they have trully made me laugh. I am smiling now.

    bUSH Quote: "I would rather people say im a fool than to open my mouth and uhhh uh *muffled* what *muffled* remove all doubt"

    This is not a total flame Just making joke of his tailored suit and his remarkable ability to screw up nearly every quote he has used.
  • 11-14-2010, 02:29 AM
    Jose A

    For my Liberal friends, Do you hate President Bush more then you love the USA?

    Weren't you just insulting VOR with the same tactics you have just said are without subtance here?

    Give me a break guys...we don't care if you spell "you're your" or if you are 15.
  • 11-13-2010, 08:55 PM
    delaneyy !_!

    For my Liberal friends, Do you hate President Bush more then you love the USA?

    It seems to me that everything is centered around the idealology "left" or "right". Yes there are many who are extreme on either side of the political spectrum, yet how can one automatically assume one political group hates someone? As in, Liberals (forgive me I am assuming for I do not know much on Liberal ideology on others except tolerance and fairness) cannot HATE anyone due to the equality of all and the preference that if one follows our national documents that all are created equal. So to first assume ALL liberals hate Bush is wrong. Second, everyone I assume is Patriotic. We all value our rights and love and charish what we all share. Also, we would protect these rights with our lives if necessary. So to compare our love and dedication of our nation to the blatant hate of a select few among liberals is wrong. Rather try to see it as liberals do not agree with Bush, not want him to die or be physically hurt. At least I hope that is the case lol.
  • 11-13-2010, 06:40 PM

    For my Liberal friends, Do you hate President Bush more then you love the USA?

    Are you saying thought isn't the enemy of churches? Or are you saying something else is wrong. I already told you in the other forum, this is just an attack with no real substance. From now on please treat me like an adult unless we are discussing me personally. We were discussing opinions which really had nothing to do with age. Please quit this type of name-calling. Please give a reasonable refutation instead of just referring to my age. It's bad enough when you end a response with an insult such as this, but when your response to my entire post is something like this, it just re-inforces my opinion that you are a closed-minded moron.
  • 11-13-2010, 12:58 AM

    For my Liberal friends, Do you hate President Bush more then you love the USA?

    I am losing confidence in you my friend.........President Bush did not win Pennsylvania..............

    Yes i do assume that because all I hear is negative things coming out of the democratic leaders..........
  • 11-12-2010, 05:32 PM

    For my Liberal friends, Do you hate President Bush more then you love the USA?

    But even the US schools teach the difference between your and you're. They even had that as a topic for preparing for the tests for NCLB. Along with that was their, there, and they're. Maybe the private Catholic School teaching contributes to your closed minRAB. Thought seems to be the enemy of most churches.
  • 11-12-2010, 09:38 AM
    Falco L

    For my Liberal friends, Do you hate President Bush more then you love the USA?

    You repeatedly say this but Bush was only elected by a couple electoral votes. One relatively big state going Kerry's way and Bush was gone. I don't think the closest state (I think it was PA) was a 3,000,000 vote difference. Remember, popular vote doesn't matter (as we learned with Gore vs. Bush).

    So you assume that things going well in Iraq will "torque the jaws of ... lefties"? I don't know anyone who wants the troops to fail. You have a really sick mind, you realize that right? You think that everyone who disagrees with you is totally against everything you say and will go to any lengths to be proven right. Apparently that's just what you would do, so you assume that other people would rather be proven right than something best for the country to happen.
  • 11-11-2010, 08:46 PM
    Jessee A

    For my Liberal friends, Do you hate President Bush more then you love the USA?

    Yet again you have completely avoided my whole post except for the little segment where I put worship. What I mean by worship is to love unconditionally. If the troops killed innocent people for target practice you would still love them unconditionally. That's what I mean by worship. They do horrible things in Guantanamo and if anyone says anything bad you tell them that they are anti-American. I have no time for people like you. If you want to read my post and respond intelligently, I'll discuss it with you, and also it would help for you to proofread your posts. "it just ddoes not maje any sense".
  • 11-11-2010, 08:21 PM

    For my Liberal friends, Do you hate President Bush more then you love the USA?

    Its easy to read the minRAB of Liberals and if you can't do that all you have to do is listen to the hate mongering leaders from the left like Dean, Kennedy and Durbin..............
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