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  • 11-16-2010, 04:25 AM

    Do you believe in UFOs?

    Not in a long shot. UFOs we see are just military craft. I do believe in intelligent extraterrestrial life but I don't think they're visiting Earth. UFOs are just a way of Earthlings trying to justify that they are superior and they do matter in the scope of the universe. But I don't think Earth is an important planet so far as intelligent life is concerned...there are probably far more intelligent civilizations out there who couldn't be bothered less by a backwarRAB planet like Earth.
  • 11-15-2010, 05:05 AM

    Do you believe in UFOs?

    Google: Aaron Neville

    Quite possibly the only person on this planet uglier than me. But his voice is angelic.

    Schwing ========)

    :emb: Oooops......Sorry.......................
  • 11-14-2010, 04:19 PM

    Do you believe in UFOs?

    Don't go gettin' wood on me!:wow:

    Since I don't know of Aaron Neville, I won't ask.
  • 11-14-2010, 01:51 AM

    Do you believe in UFOs?

    For those that did not vote yes, or are not sure, I'll go ahead and clear it up:


    Peruse the links to the Dept Of Defense, FBI, and CIA web sites at your leisure. All articles are real and are provided due to the public suing in the name of the Freedom Of Information Act. One link is to a particularly interesting incident known as the
  • 11-13-2010, 12:56 PM
    tax cuts hurt the economy

    Do you believe in UFOs?

    I'm blushing Jim. Only two people have called me genious before (not counting my wife.) One was my business law prof at UT, in my junior year, and the other was actually Aaron Neville. (don't ask.)

    The other two were liars.
  • 11-12-2010, 10:41 PM
    brittany (:

    Do you believe in UFOs?

    FIX IT...you GENIUS!!
  • 11-11-2010, 07:44 PM

    Do you believe in UFOs?

    There have been to many credible people that have said they have seen alien space ships...........

    Like I said before I wish they would contact us..........Imagine the technology they could provide...........
  • 11-11-2010, 04:30 PM

    Do you believe in UFOs?

    That is a very bold declaration.

    Within the boundries of my own ability to think in linear terms, and personal human experience, I would be inclined to agree. That being said, that exposes a serious limit, or binding, as to my own capability to create and imagine. That's nothing to be proud of. But hey, the 70's were hard on me. What can I say?

    On the other hand, I appreciate those pioneers down through history, with the talent to dream and imagine beyond the boundries of simple human thought that Trebor and I seem to share. For without them, who would have ever thought of workable electricity? Space travel? Medicinal advances? Just 30 years ago, the simplest of surgeries were more times than not life threatening. They say we even made it to the moon. I would have never thunk it. Not me. No siree.

    If I were to have considered such possibilities further, I suppose I would have to concede that in this "infinite thing" that we call "everything," there could possibly, and more than likely, exist a species a tad smarter than we are. Perhaps even capable of trans universal travel. Who knows? They might even be able to explore this very planet as well as any of them.

    We made it the moon, right? You think you could have convinced someone of that 100 years ago? Ahhh yes......it's sinkin' in now huh?

    But, alas, I'm stuck here trying to reinvent the wheel instead. History will record me as one who thought the Earth was flat should any planetary visitors ever actually arrive here on our soil. Us Flatlanders didn't look that stupid until they proved the Earth round.

    Sometimes I think, usually after a glass of wine or two, perhaps an unknown species could have possibly been here before. Who's to say that there are not civilizations out there millions of years more advanced than ours? Or millions of years under-developed? Not me. Then I sober up.

    Besides, I have more important things to ponder. Like shoveling the driveway.
  • 11-11-2010, 02:22 PM

    Do you believe in UFOs?

    I am sure you saw a flying object that is not identified. That does not mean it was a space ship from another planet.

    Although I will agree that there is so much space out there, it is indeed likely that there are other planets with intelligent life, the fact of the vast expanses makes it very unlikely for such a civilisation to have visited US.
  • 11-11-2010, 01:20 AM

    Do you believe in UFOs?

    Personally I believe there is probably intelligent life on another planet but I don't really think they have already visited here. My reply to you is about their technology. Just because they have UFO's doesn't mean they could kill us. We can fly our ships to some other relatively near planets (not exactly near, but only a few lightyears away) but we are far from able to kill the whole planet. I read one science-fiction story where aliens had figured out faster-than-light speed travel but hadn't invented the wheel yet. Granted this is science-fiction but it is very possible that aliens could figure out how to travel but not other things. Remember, we could be aliens too if we found life on another planet, I feel sorry for any intelligent life discovered by us especially if we can control them physically.
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