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  • 11-13-2010, 02:46 AM


    Is there any benefit to crooked teeth, and what risks are there with putting braces on him? Are there any downsides with no complications? Any detriment to waiting until he can get it done himself?

    The point with circumcision is that there can be benefit to leaving the foreskin on and there is potential risk with this surgery. A botched circumcision can have some damn serious complications even if it's only a maiming. There is precious little reason to do it and there are good reasons not to.

    Even with no complications, there is a decrease in sensitivity and a drying/hardening of the head of the penis. Why do that to your son if you do not have to? It makes no sense, especially in light of the ability to get it done later in life.
  • 11-12-2010, 05:00 AM
    Kris young


    Same here.
  • 11-11-2010, 10:48 PM


    Yes. He could not know how sex is supposed to feel, so why would he know that the circumcision is to blame for a lack in sensation and come to you for answers?
  • 11-11-2010, 09:21 PM
    part of the pack


    What does supposed to mean in this context? How much has he lost with circumcision? Wait, I know. 42.
  • 11-11-2010, 05:30 PM
    Miss Shelley =)


    How do you feel about hair transplants, then?
  • 11-11-2010, 04:46 PM
    Shelby T


    That's the beauty of a free society. As a parent, I get to decide what's best for my kiRAB, not you. :xgood:

    OK, so you're either gay, bisexual, female or very acrobatic. :wow:

    I see. You're another "walk a mile in my shoes" advocate.

    LOL. You're making a mountain out of a molehill...or in this instance a little excess foreskin.
    I don't know about everyone, but I doubt that anyone I know ISN'T circumsized..... and NONE of us grieve the loss of the purple helmet's toque. LOL.

    Well Freud, don't quit your day job. I'm not in denial, I just don't get all worked up over extra foreskin. I can even trim my nails and get a haircut without having an emotional breakdown.

    If it's good enough for the Supreme Court, it's good enough for me.

    Circumcision, like a tonsilectomy, is probably much riskier on an adult patient.
    And since you keep saying that there are no health benefits, I decided to check for myself.

    So it appears that your assertion that there aren't benefits to circimcision is bogus. :wow:
  • 11-11-2010, 04:07 PM
    ~New Divide~


    I'll never put braces on my kid's teeth. He might prefer those crooked teeth and if not he can have braces in college.
  • 11-11-2010, 11:51 AM


    You're right Steve, but there's just really no good medical reason for it. It's an outdated practice.
  • 11-11-2010, 10:25 AM
    Something Like A War


    Since the focal point of sexual stimulation is between one's ears I fail the see the big deal with circing.
  • 11-11-2010, 10:14 AM


    How will he know how much sensitivity he is supposed to be feeling?
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