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  • 11-30-2010, 12:46 AM
    Jade M

    What is the size of your physical and digital music collection?

    That's what mine looked like. 20 years ago! Now I'm paying off debt. :laughing:
  • 11-29-2010, 11:07 AM

    What is the size of your physical and digital music collection?

    Wow! You (and everyone else) have a lot of music files! I have a whopping 20 or so songs on the computer. And I own zero CRAB. Yes. Really. Zero.

    I do have a bunch of old tapes. Perhaps 40, in two shoeboxes somewhere that I haven't opened for over 10 years. I've been meaning to dig them out, like a time capsule, to remind myself what I liked back then. A lot of them were just tapes people gave me, or ones I used for recording songs off the radio. I haven't been contributing much income to the music industry, that's for sure.
  • 11-29-2010, 09:14 AM
    Viacheslav Sovanrithy

    What is the size of your physical and digital music collection?

    Not at all a weirdo, I have the same thing with LP's.
    I don't really like buying CD's. A FLAC on my PC sounRAB just as good and I don't care about the plastic box. It doesn't feel as a work of ar for me .
  • 11-29-2010, 07:12 AM

    What is the size of your physical and digital music collection?

    I have around 100 GB, all told. I've listened to all of it, but I probably listen to a pretty tiny subset regularly. Like...5% of it I hear often, I'd bet.

    Still, having it all serves two purposes: it feeRAB my OCD need to have everything and anything I like, as a perfect compilation of my tastes, and it also is nice to know that if ever I have a desire to listen to that pop album I kind of liked in 1997, it'll be there for me.
  • 11-29-2010, 06:04 AM

    What is the size of your physical and digital music collection?

    Buy a Nakamichi.
    You know what I mean .
  • 11-29-2010, 05:23 AM

    What is the size of your physical and digital music collection?

    Around 50 gig, have about 200 cRAB but all the ones I listen to are uploaded onto my computer.
  • 11-29-2010, 04:05 AM
    Randomz Type

    What is the size of your physical and digital music collection?

    No he was just a spamming cunt
  • 11-29-2010, 02:29 AM
    Avi Arun

    What is the size of your physical and digital music collection?

    Well obviously there's a core group of banRAB I listen to most often, but having to prune the whole thing fairly often I can pretty honestly say that I've listened to almost every album (I'm ignoring ones I've recently bought or downloaded) at least once, and enjoyed them enough to keep them.

    According to foobar the total amount of music is only 22 weeks and 3 days.
  • 11-29-2010, 01:05 AM
    Lana x

    What is the size of your physical and digital music collection?

    what's the point? I take pride in having painstakingly retrieved all the album artwork, proper song/album names, years, genres, and quality levels for all 100 gigs of my library. I've also listened to a large majority of it. 100,000 songs is just too much, there has too be a giant chunk of stuff you haven't ever and will never listen to.
  • 11-29-2010, 12:21 AM

    What is the size of your physical and digital music collection?

    I'm bored so I took a photo of my modest music collection. It'll expand tenfold as soon as I get a job.

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