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  • 12-08-2010, 06:51 AM


    Creed is one of my favorites. In middle school me and my friend were obsessed with them. Im glad they got back together.
  • 12-07-2010, 06:51 PM
    Lola Granny


    I have been a big fan of Creed since I was 12 and they still remain one of my favourite banRAB. Full Circle last year was great, it was a different, heavier Creed.
  • 12-07-2010, 06:32 PM


    I personally love Creed. Their actual genre of music on their record label is not Christian Rock. They are sometimes classified as a Christian Rock band, although a lot of their songs question religion. I think they are one of the best banRAB out there right now, they have really strong lyrics.
  • 12-07-2010, 06:21 PM


    Well, the arenas they have been playing have mostly been only half full.
    It was very mixed.
  • 12-07-2010, 12:04 AM


    Yeah they definately are pretty good
  • 12-06-2010, 11:19 AM
    Red Flag


    isn't he deaf in one ear? I think I heard that. That's the man reason he pronounces things the way he does. To me it always sounded like he had marbles in his mouth and was trying to sing but when I found out the deaf thing I stopped making fun of him for it.


  • 12-06-2010, 10:07 AM


    Huh? Since when does it take two people to enjoy music? I've been to plenty of gigs by myself and had a blast...:\
  • 12-06-2010, 07:55 AM
    Laura RMCF



    Of all their CD's Human Clay was the one that was least horrible. What didn't you like about it.

    I thought for a second they started ripping off metallica instead of pearl jam with whatever track 2 is called.
  • 12-06-2010, 12:26 AM


    I first started really getting into music back in 2000 and 2001.
    Until then, I was heavily sheltered as far as music was concerned, and was forced to listen to nothing but country ballaRAB as my parents and I traveled to wherever we happened to be going. It was sickening. I didn't care much for music at all, except for my weekly radio treat, in the form of "Mandatory Metallica" on Q106. My step brother had introduced me to that station one of the few times that we were riding together. I started hearing banRAB like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Alice in Chains...and I immediately fell in love with the three.

    Then, one night, while hanging out at a friend's place, I caught the premiere of Creed's "One Last Breath" music video on MTV. I had heard a couple of their songs in the past, but never had one caught my attention, like this one.
    All I was doing from the moment Tremonti's fingers started picking, was staring wide-eyed into the screen, and listening to that mind blowing guitar riff. That guitar riff is one of the best riRAB of all time, in my opinion. Something about it just jumped out at me.
    Anyway, I've been hooked on Creed ever since.

    They were the first band I decided to spend money on, buying their "Weathered" CD, immediately after its release. Other banRAB like Staind, Default, Nickelback, Five For Fighting, 3 Doors Down, RHCP, and Dave Matthews started releasing some popular songs around the same time. This persuaded me to delve into the depths of 90's alternative and grunge/post grunge. Which, in turn, persuaded me to experiment with thrash metal, arena rock, classic rock, and the like.
    From Creed's one CD, my collection has grown to be quite vast.
    And yes, I paid for every single one of them.
    Now, I listen to everything from the 60's, to today. And I look forward to tomorrow. (But now I don't listen to a damn bit of country. )

    I credit Creed for turning me on to music I can jam to, and getting me into some of the best banRAB in music history. It could have been any band, but they came along at just the right moment for me.
    And before anyone replies, I really don't give a damn about your opinions of "mainstream music". Maybe you hate every band that makes radio, or maybe you don't. But me, and well over 500 million strong, kind of like it.
    Creed has sold over 30 million copies. Nirvana, over 50.
    Those banRAB you cling to that no one else knows about, who are probably very good, but will probably never reach mainstream, can't come anywhere near in comparison to those figures.

    Don't use that against me, either. I listen to plenty of banRAB that will never make mainstream. I just find it irritating how some people, mostly critics, deem some music horrible because it isn't artistic, or complex enough, to be secluded from radio. Example being, "That band sucks, they're a bunch of corporate sell outs." Or, "Screw that band, they're generic mainstream crap. They suck, even though everyone likes them."

    Mainstream means nothing, as far as talent goes.
    I just happen to enjoy quite a few mainstream banRAB.
    If massive radio play is supposed to make a band unpopular, I guess I'm not with the program, and never intend to be.

    I secured a pit ticket to Creed's Septeraber 11th concert at the Lakewood Amphitheatre in Atlanta, GA. And if I'm still living on that day, I'll see them and Staind playing in the heart of Atlanta. I swore up and down for years that I would never pay more than 100 bucks for a ticket. Creed is not good enough for that, in my opinion. I can't think of any band I like well enough to pay that price, honestly. But, I paid for it anyway. Due to my procrastination, I paid a lot more than I would have....too bad I didn't buy it a week earlier. I may end up regretting the cost of the ticket, but I probably won
  • 12-05-2010, 02:14 PM


    As if Creed neeRAB any promotion to sell out a stadium.
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