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  • 01-31-2009, 01:07 PM

    i NEED HELP and advice PLEASE ! - Does it sound like i have OCD or ADHD?

    Sounds to me like much of what you describe is symptoms of your borderline personality disorder, and PTSD. BPD would explain the varying, disassociated feelings, impulsivenes, difficulty in concentrating and "spacy" feelings. PTSD would explain the anxiety, anger and fear.I would say you definitely do not have OCD. People with OCD have just the opposite, that is, it is extremely easy to focus and concentrate on things, so much that it becomes an obsession. You say you have difficulty with organization - organization is second nature for someone with OCD. They do things like, always put things away in an exactly the same, precise manner, even silly things that dont really matter, such as organizing the pens in your desk drawer to make sure the blue ones are always to the left of the black ones, and that there's the same number of each. People with OCD will do silly things like count how many times they run a comb or brush through their hair, and always do the same number, or walk through their house a dozen times before they leave, repeatedly checking that everything that could cause a problem is turned off, like the stove or oven or curling iron, or whatever, even if they haven't used any of those things recently. Did you ever see the movie "Sleeping With the Enemy", where the husband always wants all the cans of food in the cupboard to be in organized rows, with the labels all facing forward, and the towels always had to be hanging perfectly even, not rumpled up at all? Thats OCD.I had a boyfriend once with OCD, and he had probably a dozen different notebooks around the house for organizing his thoughts. Each notebook was for a different area of concentration such as , one for his workshop/tool shed, one for his vehicles, one for his kitchen, one for his phone, one for his computer, one for his errands and "things to do", one for the TV, etc. Now at first this may sound normal, but it really wasnt. Each notebook was a different color, and had to have a pen to match. If the notebook was put in the wrong place, it would drive him crazy. He kept post-it notes with corresponding colors in organized rows on the walls in those areas, all as if he would forget something crucial if any of this was out of place. And the things he would write down were more often than not, things that weren't all that big of a deal.I'd say it's hard to tell if you have ADHD or not. Your inability to concentrate and forgetfulness may be symptoms of ADHD. But those are also symptoms of BPD. ADHD only becomes a problem if it is adversely affecting your life, such as you are surfing the internet for information about new movies coming out, instead of getting ready for school or work. Your shrink may or may not be right about you not having ADHD. Doctors sometimes miss things. The best thing you can do is just be honest with him or her about what you're going though. They can only help you with the things you allow them to know about yourself.It sounds to me that you need something to do to distract yourself from your obsessive thoughts. When you start to feel lousy, do something that you enjoy, like listening to your favorite movie, playing a computer or video game, reading a magazine you like, do one of your hobbies, whatever it is you like to do that makes you happy. Just push the little obsessive "bad thought" demons away and dont give them the privelidge of roaming around in your head. Whatever you focus on in your head, you create more of. If you focus on how bad it is, you only create more of how bad it is. If you instead focus on things that are going good for you, you draw more good things into your life.One of the easiest ways to teach yourself to think positive is to develop an "attitude of gratitude". Think of things in your life you have to be thankful for. This may be something as simple as saying "Thank you God (or whoever you believe in, or not) for my legs that work" as soon as your feet touch the floor in the morning. "Thank you for my eyes that can see" when you look at yourself in the mirror. "Thank you for this breakfast I'm eating". This really does work if you look at what you DO have instead of what you DONT have, and things begin to change.Below I've posted a link to a web page I think would do you some good to check out. It's about a documentary video (also a book) called The Secret, which teaches how you can make anything you ever want come into your life, no matter how big or out of reach it may seem. I saw it with some friends 2 years ago, and I"ve never looked at things the same way since.Good luck, I hope this helps.
  • 01-31-2009, 01:05 PM

    i NEED HELP and advice PLEASE ! - Does it sound like i have OCD or ADHD?

    ur crazy lol
  • 01-31-2009, 01:03 PM

    i NEED HELP and advice PLEASE ! - Does it sound like i have OCD or ADHD?

    Don"t mean to be religiost because thats what every body says when somebody mentions God, but what ever happened to pure faith in the healing power of Jesus Christ his word is written to be quoted in times of sickness All he ask is that you beleive and call his name Jesus and no matter what sickness he will heal and cure period point blank. Now im not trying to convert any body to christianity but i dare you to beleive him for healing and he will be on time rather through process healing or by way of miracle just try Doctor Jesus. Thank God for all the doctors and physicians to.
  • 01-31-2009, 01:01 PM

    i NEED HELP and advice PLEASE ! - Does it sound like i have OCD or ADHD?

    ADHD definitely but probably a couple other things.
  • 01-31-2009, 01:00 PM
    !!amanday trick!!

    i NEED HELP and advice PLEASE ! - Does it sound like i have OCD or ADHD?

    i would talk to a doctor only because some people on yahoo have no idea what there talking about. haha
  • 01-31-2009, 12:58 PM
    Phill L

    i NEED HELP and advice PLEASE ! - Does it sound like i have OCD or ADHD?

    I think you have ADD - I'd mention this to your doctor and psychiatrist so that if you are you can be diagnosed and... try to play active sports this will help burn excess energy. Tennis, running, swimming are all good low-injury risk sports.xxx
  • 01-31-2009, 12:56 PM

    i NEED HELP and advice PLEASE ! - Does it sound like i have OCD or ADHD?

    You would be surprised at what a good 2 to 3 mile a day walk can cure.I had 90% of your symptoms. They went away.I now feel like a normal person again after making sure I left myself with no time to think. Your body will produce what your brain needs but only with exercise and fresh air. I'm no Dr, I'm just telling you what worked for me.
  • 01-31-2009, 12:54 PM
    !!!OH MAN!!!

    i NEED HELP and advice PLEASE ! - Does it sound like i have OCD or ADHD?

    Hyena,I think what you have been diagnosed with so far is correct. Borderline, with possible PTSD.It does not sound at all like OCD, toss that one out. Posible ADHD, but not all the classic symptoms.If your mother drank or did drugs, I'd say you have FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome). Your lack of impulse control, mood swings, and anger tell me that. I would have them check for that."Ranger"
  • 01-31-2009, 12:52 PM

    i NEED HELP and advice PLEASE ! - Does it sound like i have OCD or ADHD?

    I have not read all of what you have said but to me it seems like you just need to chillax. Come on dude anybody who writes this much is obviously stressed so just try to calm yourself down, stop looking in the past and start towards a beter future.
  • 01-31-2009, 12:51 PM

    i NEED HELP and advice PLEASE ! - Does it sound like i have OCD or ADHD?

    Ok! I couldn't read all of that, but from what I DID read, it sounds like u have both. Dont worry though. I have both, a little of OCD and a lot of ADHD. I never took medicine for either, and over time I became calmer and calmer. With my brother, he took medicine as a child, and now hes 19 and hes calm, shy, and quiet
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