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  • 01-18-2011, 04:39 AM

    Honesty.... so hard sometimes!

    By no means are you a psycho loser. Please do not feel that way about yourself honey.

    Just by sharing your story it will help other people because they will not feel so alone. You are not alone either. Most of us are addicts because we have tried to self medicate with some sort of drug because of emotional trauma in our lives. My mind can get pretty hectic at times as well. I have severe depression and an anxiety disorder and at times it is almost too much to bear but I always find a way to work thru it. This board has really helped me in so many way and there are some true angels here.

    Try to think as many positive thoughts as possible even though I know how hard that can be at times. I am so glad to hear you are planning on sticking around here! I really do think you will find some help and I am more than confident that you will be able to help many many people.

    Many blessings to you!
  • 01-17-2011, 05:34 PM

    Honesty.... so hard sometimes!

    Angelique, your kindness is so heartwarming to me! It's so nice to start the day with your sweet worRAB!

    Thankfully my husband is a great communicator. He is pretty sensitive for a guy so that can be both good and bad!! hahahhaa Just kidding, it is very helpful to not have to try and beat his feelings out of him!!! hahahaha

    I will admit that thru all of the stress it has made the cravings even worse. That is the worse thing... With addiction stress will always be apart of life and that just makes the cravings worse so it's like a never ending circle. I do feel strong though and the support only makes me stronger so thank you!!!

    Many blessings to you! Have a great day!
  • 01-17-2011, 03:36 PM

    Honesty.... so hard sometimes!

    Hey Secrets,

    Yes I have many many addictions, most starting during childhood. The others came about in my early 20s. Add BPD, severe depression, migraines and major anxiety and it gets pretty crazy in my mind! :dizzy:

    I plan on sticking around, hoping to learn a bit, maybe get some good ideas, maybe help others, it's nice to know I'm not just a psycho loser, that's there's others out there like me!

  • 01-16-2011, 10:09 PM

    Honesty.... so hard sometimes!

    Thank you Neve!!!!

    I really appreciate the reply of support. It means a lot to me. Please know we are always here for you too!

    I appreciate your kindness so very much!

  • 01-16-2011, 04:08 PM

    Honesty.... so hard sometimes!

    You are very welcome! I am here for you always. Thanks for the update also. You are always in my thoughts & in my prayers!
    I'm so happy to hear that you & your hubby have been able to wrap your brains around the situation & are moving forward. Im so happy that your mind is finding peace with the situation. This is very good news! Having a open line of communication with your hubby is the best thing for the two of you. Alot of times couples don't communicate very well. I think that communication speeRAB up the recovery process, no matter what the situation may be. Props to hubby for being a good communicater! Alot of men tend to bottle up their emotions & don't like to communicate what they are feeling. This doesn't help anybody. So happy to hear that the lines of communication are open between the two of you.
    I am so very proud of you that you have stopped taking the medication! You are handling all of this in the most amazing way! Keeping your sobriety the most important thing is so very smart of you. You sure are one smart, tough cookie! I'm just so proud of you! Especially since i know the rollercoaster ride that you've been on & how unrelenting the cravings can be to use, especially when we're going through so much, as you have been. I'm just so proud of you! Keep up the good work! You can & will beat this!
    Take care & God bless you & your hubby.
  • 01-16-2011, 02:18 PM

    Honesty.... so hard sometimes!

    Oh my...I understand why hubby is mad. I wish for you that you could just be home, rest and heal. You are being so strong, we are all so proud of. Through your writing you have become a friend and a source of strength for all of us. I know I can speak for everyone that we want only the best for you Secrets.

    Get well, be well!
  • 01-16-2011, 11:58 AM

    Honesty.... so hard sometimes!

    Oh... the most important thing I wanted to mention and I forgot because I was trying to send my message quick because I have a lot of work to do was...... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT, WELL WISHES AND LOVE!

    Each and every one of you hold a very special place in my heart!

    Thank you so very much!!! Many blessings to you all!
  • 01-16-2011, 07:48 AM

    Honesty.... so hard sometimes!


    Could you be any sweeter? NO!!!! I am convinced your heart is made of pure GOLD.

    Thank you for everything you said, for all of your support and for always having such kind positive things to say! Your frienRABhip is a true blessing!

    Unfortunetly, I ended up back in the hospital last night and almost had to have surgery.. Luckily that decision did not have to be made last night. The hubby and I have a couple days to hash things over until we meet with my OB friday. I am so exhausted. I knew that I could not take today off as my boss has the flu and that I could not leave my co worker alone. So, we got home from the hospital last night at midnight.

    We have a lot to think about and I will know more Friday. To be honest, I feel like crap and I can't wait for this day to be over so I can get back into bed. My husband is SOOOO angry that I am at work today!!! I will make it thru though.. It's almost friday and then I hope to do nothing but sleep and relax!!!!

    So, my honey, how are you doing????? I have been thinking about you and hope everything in your life is going well!

    Gotta run..... I will try to check back later!
  • 01-16-2011, 06:18 AM

    Honesty.... so hard sometimes!

    secrets you are wonderful and your honesty is refreshing. I am doing nothing good for myself at the moment. But I browse this board each day and the stories people write about their lives and their problems are truly inspiring. Of course I dont put you or anyone else on a pedestal. Like u said you are merely a human being with failings like the rest of us. I DO! however think that you are very strong and I do believe you will make it.I'm happy that your mother is over the worst. BIG HUG......neve
  • 01-16-2011, 04:40 AM

    Honesty.... so hard sometimes!

    I have no idea how this feels, but nonetheless I am so sorry that relapses still happen. You sound like you are so ready to be done. You are great for being honest, as I'm sure it gives all you share with hope! I so wish somewhere in my daughter's mind that recovery is her goal. Thank you for giving me hope.

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