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  • 01-18-2011, 06:52 AM

    Suboxone Withdrawal day 2

    Still doing fine. No cravings, no nothing. The past seems like a nightmare now. Glad its over. Keep the hope out there. I know its tough.
  • 01-17-2011, 05:25 PM

    Suboxone Withdrawal day 2


    I kicked the sub's at 4mg's a day, as my doctor said i could, and should be fine. And from there i am now on day 9 and last night i got about 4 hours of on and off sleep last night. Its like during the day the WD's arent so bad but once i lay in my bed it goes down hill from there. Yesterday I managed to go out on a mile run and when i got home i felt great for a few hours then in the evening i started feeling horrible again. And Fate i went out and bought some vitamin B and stocked up on vitamin water, and your right it has helped a lot. Congrats on 41 days! That is awesome and very inspirational, because it reminRAB me that I can make it. Thank you.
  • 01-17-2011, 05:32 AM
    fate61 09

    Suboxone Withdrawal day 2

    It does get better sweetie, I swear... It doesnt feel like it right now, but it does get better... Congrats on the 7 days! I know how hard it is and you have came a long ways... Please keep reading these posts and you also tell us how your doing. It helps a lot to post...Today is day 41 for me.. Yahooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    What amount did you jump from?
    Yes get up and walk, I know you dont feel like it, but it does help alot, also drink plently of water, I drink Vit. water. Take vit B also, it helps for the energy.
  • 01-17-2011, 05:08 AM

    Suboxone Withdrawal day 2

    Haha, oh boy, I remeraber when I was on day 2 lol. Thank God im not back there. Im over 4 months now. Just now sleeping every night. Thanks for the good advice, but Id say its all over for me. Thanks for the advice though .
  • 01-16-2011, 07:39 PM
    fate61 09

    Suboxone Withdrawal day 2

    Im "SO" Proud of you! You go have fun and watch your baby nephew singn his little heart out!
    The late after noon and evenings are the hardest on me. Damn those legg cramps! They are the worst at night for me... Makes me want to cry...
    How does everyone cope with the legg problem? I use a heating pad until I can get home. But until then I just want to scream and scream LOUD!
    Im also hoping to beable to get to sleep again tonight.......
    Once I get home though HOT BATH here I come!
    Damn I swear Im gonna turn into a fish! Im a Leo, A damn Lion, for god saks, I shouldn't being loving those hot baths so much *lol*
    I think what sucks so much right now is that Im bored to death as well.... I will go out and spend time with my horses tomorrow, that always makes me feel better.
    Geeze , those horses can sure calm my nerves in a heart beat. I just wish It wasnt so crappy outside so I could go for a long ride, instead of just in a indoor arena. Just going around and around in a stupid circle... Oh well, I will just settle for that and be happy with it!
    Looking forward to the day when I no longer have sleepless nights or these damn legg pains!
  • 01-16-2011, 04:15 PM

    Suboxone Withdrawal day 2

    Folks, if you all !!! wish to retain posting privileges, please clean up your language in your posts. Really.

    Thank you.
  • 01-16-2011, 02:41 PM

    Suboxone Withdrawal day 2

    Thanks so much guys. I really appriciate all the support and encouragement Ive recieved from all of you. Especially Fate and Secrets.....I wish you guys the best of luck and hope with all my heart that you find all it is your looking for in life. I think this whole experience has really put life in perspective for me.......I know life wont be able to find anything strong enough to throw at me again to break me.......Still going strong here......Take care and God Bless
  • 01-16-2011, 09:01 AM

    Suboxone Withdrawal day 2

    Hey guys

    I got to tell you, until i read this msg board i thought i was never going to get out of these horrible WD pains. I am now going on day 7 without suboxone and I only slept two hours last night. I am going to try to go out on a run as my counsler told me excersizing helps raise dopamine levels. But i just have to thank you two for keeping this journal of what you guys were going through. I can see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. THank you

  • 01-16-2011, 02:47 AM

    Suboxone Withdrawal day 2

    You know, its funny. When I get in the shower and turn it up as hot as I can, it makes the WD go away and I feel like I did before I messed with opiates. Its really exciting. Well, in day 3 of withdraw I have managed to get my pants on and my tie around my neck. I hope I can do this. Wish me luck.
  • 01-16-2011, 01:22 AM

    Suboxone Withdrawal day 2

    Hang in there Jeremy, you already have 2 days under your belt. I am gonna be brutally honest, i dont believe in sugar coating facts. Suboxone withdrawals are worse than any pill or heroin withdrawal. it will last for 2 to 4 weeks, each day you will fell a centimeter better, but the agitation, depression, and body aches will be there for the entire time. You will not have any motivation, energy, or life it will seem. But you do! You gotta make yourself get up, and keep remerabering you will get thru this, and it will be over soon. I have been in your boat so i remeraber how horrible it felt to go thru this. Good advise is to keep busy. Spend as much time as you can outside, and not stuck in the house in the bed with an idle mind making it much worse than it is. Half the battle is your mind telling you whats hurting, when it really is not! The main point to repeat to yourself is that NOTHING is impossible through GOD! i will keep you in prayer daily, and remeraber to stay in direct communication with Jesus yourself!:angel:
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