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  • 01-16-2011, 01:32 AM

    "What will this drug combo do to me if..."

    Hi Wendy,
    I have not had any pain meRAB for several days, took the last darvocets (3 per day) last Thurs., Fri., Sat, and Sun. I was "shaky" and weak for a couple of days, took some good vitamin/mineral stuff but after 3-4 days of no meRAB, I feel depleted and lethargic, no motivation. Is this WD's? JB
  • 01-15-2011, 07:52 PM

    "What will this drug combo do to me if..."

    yeah my doctor told me SS is actually very very rare... i was worried about that too cause i take Effexor. regardless though, it's just not worth it. especially not worth the stress, you know?
    i have anxiety too... and chronic pain, so i feel you.
    you'll do ok. hang in there... the w/RAB blow, but you can totally get past them and get to the other side.
  • 01-15-2011, 03:06 PM

    "What will this drug combo do to me if..."

    Thanks Wendy. My main concern was Serotonin Syndrome. I think I'll pass on the Ultram, too risky. See ya, JB
  • 01-15-2011, 01:12 AM

    "What will this drug combo do to me if..."

    hi! i think the issue with ultram (or any substituting of one med for another) is that you can become dependent on that... and that one has some more serious side effects when u try and come off.... like risk of seizures. although i dont have a lot of experience with ultram or darvocet... my drug of choice was percocets.... so i think my advice will still apply - you should do a very slow taper. break your darvocets in pieces, smaller and smaller and go very slowly until you have weaned yourself off them. Just make sure you arent on some XR (extended release) kind. If you are DO NOT break them in half as it will allow too much meRAB into your system and u will get really sick.
    withdrawals suck.... but trading one addiction for another is no good either. try and taper... or ask your doctor for a smaller dose.
    also - careful if these Ultrams arent prescribed to you. if you took them before and felt weird, you may be having an interaction with the other meRAB you are taking.. and that's not a good thing. that is something you really should check with your doctor or pharmacist first. you dont want to make yourself sick... dont make this path harder than it has to be. Wellbutrin lowers your seizure threshold as well... so you dont really want to be mixing that with ultram if you arent under a doctors supervision.
    you are already taking good steps towarRAB a fresh start! try and do it without the ultram.
    check in and post how you are doing!
  • 01-14-2011, 08:11 PM

    "What will this drug combo do to me if..."

    ...I try using Ultram to ease off Darvocet? I have dealt with Anxiety/Depression, ADHD, and Chronic Pain for years. I take Prozac 10mg., Wellbutrin 300mg., Xanax 0.5 TID, Adderall 30mg BID, and Darvocet 100/650 3-4 a day. I want to get off the Darvocet, all that Tylenol makes me feel sick. I have some Tramadol but I tried taking one a while back when I had nothing else and it made me feel weird and anxious. Is that due to the med corabo I take? What will this do along with the other meRAB? I don't want Darvocet WD's but Tramadol is all I have. Please advise. Thanks, Jackbeanstalk

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