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  • 09-23-2011, 09:18 AM
    Fredy hopl red
  • 01-18-2011, 07:18 PM

    Methadone Withdrawal HELP

    thats some great advice there. Try taking a "Tonic" as well, you can get from your local pharmacy/drugstore....full of vitamin B1 and minerals it gives your body a boost when you're feeling run down. Also take anti-diarrhoea tablets, they help alot, and don't drink any caffeine as you will feel worse when the effects wear off.

    And lastly just hang in there! The first 5 days just take ibuprofen tablets and anti-diarrhoea tablets....thats what i did. The ibuprofen took the edge off.

    Good luck, hang in there.....i'm on my 6th day today, it's night time and i feel abit better than earlier on in the day. xx
  • 01-18-2011, 09:55 AM

    Methadone Withdrawal HELP

    well done ithought u may been in spain as i meet a crazy scots man from glasgow with the same name as u iaindonald his was joined 2!!!!!!!!!
  • 01-16-2011, 07:52 PM

    Methadone Withdrawal HELP


    Heh my name is Iain i currently live in Glasgow, Scotland.
    I`ve just recently detoxed off my methadone about 2 months ago, in my opinion taking your detox all the way down to the smallest amount even if it seem`s like a ridiculously small amount thats the way i got off mine.
    You get to a point where it becomes a mind over matter situation.
    I also made sure i had plenty of positve support in place for when that time to stop altogether came along. I also began to take things that interested me like hobbies,i`ve started rockclirabing and football and am also going back to college.
    With regarRAB to what the people at your clinic are saying i find it hard to believe that they can say it will catch up with you seein as it`s your recovery and not theirs each persons journey through recovery is different from the next only you know how well you are doing and whether your detox program is working for you. Most medical profesionals tend to generalise recovery when it`s very much a personal thing that should be decided by the person that is experiencing it, listen to them, but don`t always take what they say as the gospil truth, most impotantly listen to yourself and remain honest with yourself. Recovery is always possible and remeraber what we fear the most does`nt have the hold over us, it`s the fear itself that holRAB us back. I hope i`ve been a wee bit of help for you :wave:
  • 01-16-2011, 02:58 PM

    Methadone Withdrawal HELP

    Here-Here, Ian, well spoken. You're exactly right, WD's are the same no matter where, and they know no race, color, or creed, and they can happen to anyone. Support is all we can give and God's blessings for these suffering folks. Only after one has gone through them can they truly sympathize with others dealing with them. Good man! Jackbeanstalk
    (BTW, got to watch "Braveheart" again last night. You Scots are a tough bunch of folks!)
  • 01-16-2011, 12:43 PM

    Methadone Withdrawal HELP

    Your best bet would be to cut down to a very low dose, go through a bit of withdrawal (having "some' methadone in your system will keep the w/d's at bay), then slowly do that last bit.

    If you do decide to cut down to a very small amount, be sure to make plans for w/d. If possible, do it over the weekend so you don't have to be at work. Keep busy to take your mind off the w/d. Follow the "Sample Home Detox" for suggestions to keep comfortable.

    Let us know what you decide, so we can help you along the way

    Good luck,
  • 01-16-2011, 08:14 AM

    Methadone Withdrawal HELP

    Heh jenn1977 i don`t know if this meassage was meant for me cause i`ve been off my methadone for over 5 months now and am doing ok infact am doing better than i ever have am back at college studying social care and loving it just thought i`d share that with you. Take Care.:dizzy::wave:
  • 01-16-2011, 06:14 AM

    Methadone Withdrawal HELP

    I was laid off from my job last month, and lost a full benefit package
    I cannot afford it on my own, as my UI benefits are not even close to what i was making.
  • 01-16-2011, 05:48 AM

    Methadone Withdrawal HELP

    seems like you have come a long way with the clinic's help. I don't know but, why would you not continue with their help.
  • 01-16-2011, 05:23 AM

    Methadone Withdrawal HELP

    Hello shazbaz why do ye think i was in spain? I was`nt i`ve been working hard at college for what feels like a lifetime but has only really been 4 months, :dizzy::wave:
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