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  • 01-23-2011, 04:40 AM

    Have I lost my mind?

    If this medication is altering your lifestyle "negatively", then you shouldn't be on it. Anti-depressants can have the complete opposite response in making the patient worse with moodiness, to include having horrible bad thoughts. This is a serious adverse side effect.

    I would call your doctor and tell him what's happening and how severe it really is. Be very specific. Ask to be weaned off it now and try something else. It obviously isnt helping your nerve pain and it's effecting you mentally.

    Call your doctor right away. Keep us posted.
  • 01-22-2011, 07:51 PM

    Have I lost my mind?

    Hi Happy,
    I think the bottom line is that if you have seen a big difference in your personality and mood on this drug and it's not for the good, then I would see your doctor and discuss this with him/her. This is a strong drug with the potential to greatly alter brain chemistry as it affects not only the serotonin but also the norepinephrine. Good luck and keep us posted.

  • 01-22-2011, 06:24 PM

    Have I lost my mind?

    Just heard back from my Dr's office after waiting for two days.
    They said to try it for another week at 60mg...if that doesn't work then call them and they will switch it to 30mg....
    I still feel the same....
  • 01-22-2011, 04:24 PM

    Have I lost my mind?

    Thanks Everyone!
    I'm glad to be off the Cyrabalta. It didn't help with the nerve pain but it did give me major muscle cramps in my legs! I hope I have no withdrawl effects!!!
  • 01-22-2011, 03:14 PM

    Have I lost my mind?

    Pepper I started on 30 and now I am taking 60 once a day at dinner.
    thanks, Cindy
  • 01-22-2011, 08:50 AM

    Have I lost my mind?

    Thanks Deb, I did read your post but have not found my answer on it or any other post.
  • 01-22-2011, 05:25 AM

    Have I lost my mind?

    They stopped Paxil due to going on Cyrabalta...the Dr said it would help with the PTSD that I was taking paxil for. So the Dr had me stop the paxil and start the Cyrabalta the very next day. The PTSD has been fine since starting the Cyrabalta. It's the "new" mood swings that are driving me crazy now. I snap at my kiRAB for no reason. I yell at my hubby. I cry a lot and I am not a crier. Now I feel depressed. Cyrabalta also is to help with the nerve pain but I feel the same it has not helped. I also am now having severe leg cramps. It's been 9 weeks of being on the Cyrabalta and I am worse then when I was just on Paxil. I do feel like I am losing my mind. I am also jittery all the time too. Thanks, Cindy
  • 01-22-2011, 04:44 AM

    Have I lost my mind?

    Hi Happy,
    I agree with Pepper....see your doctor. Very few meRAB are right the first time. Adjustments are made according to how your body responRAB and your specific issues and neeRAB. Good luck.

  • 01-22-2011, 02:05 AM

    Have I lost my mind?

    Hi Happy - I had the SAME experience with Cyrabalta. I was on prozac and it was working beautifully for my mood swings and depression. I went on the Cyrabalta to address my pain, but found that I was a lot more depressed, tearful and VERY short with my kiRAB. I stayed on it for about 6 months and then asked my doc to put me back on the prozac, so my kiRAB wouldn't have to live with a crazy mom and my husband wouldn't have to put up with my mood swings. I'm much better now. BTW the Cyrabalta never did address my nerve pain or back pain.
  • 01-22-2011, 12:25 AM

    Have I lost my mind?

    Thank heavens a doctor "gets it" ! I bet you won't have any withdrawal from the Cyrabalta because he added another drug to get you through! Keep us posted girl! My prayers are with you. Feel better!

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