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  • 04-29-2011, 12:04 AM
    Rachel [K&T]

    My take on the PS3 vs. Wii

    fact: Sony will not drop PS3 prices for at least 2 years. They already lose 400-500 per system.
  • 04-28-2011, 10:16 AM

    My take on the PS3 vs. Wii

    i didnt know you could pick up 4 360 titles for 100 bucks.... odd. you gotta hook me up with your deal
  • 04-27-2011, 10:03 AM
    Mr. Scythe

    My take on the PS3 vs. Wii

    I have them both and the ps3 is kick ass! Havent turned the wii on for 2 weeks due to this system
  • 04-15-2011, 10:48 AM
    Maya M

    My take on the PS3 vs. Wii

    The "gaming scene" has always been about being a fan boy and arguing about systems. This kind of stuff existed way before the internet. Just pick up you average 15 year old copy of Gamepro or EGM and read the letters....
  • 04-15-2011, 09:17 AM

    My take on the PS3 vs. Wii

    The difference being that the PS3 is significantly more powerful than the PS2 and is a completely new architecture, while the Wii isn't much more than an overclocked gamecube in terms of internal hardware.
  • 04-15-2011, 01:27 AM

    My take on the PS3 vs. Wii

    The true winner is the one who owns all 3 and a PC

  • 04-14-2011, 04:50 AM

    My take on the PS3 vs. Wii

    I have a feeling that Sony will be making a lot of market adjustments once they can get some real feedback as to the situation. AKA they'll be adjusting down the price soon, even though it'll mean even more of a price hit.

    They need to move units and there is doubt as to whether or not they can do this right now since supply is so tiny that demand can't be gauged due to people being scalpers.

    After they get a real steady supply and they see they are still lagging in sales, they'll drop prices, and thankfully it'll benefit everyone as Nintendo and Microsoft will also try to drop prices to maintain their competitive edge.

    Oh and it's silly to say "well there were xxx controllers and PS3s so har har it's not selling." That's simply not the case in most places and certainly the Wii is going to sell more units right now because the price difference between the 2 isn't nearly reflective of the intrinsic value of each unit right now.

    But who knows, maybe in another year the Wii will just seem gimmicky as it turns out that no matter what you do waving the wand, the remotes work and there's no real skill/challenge involved.
  • 04-13-2011, 12:44 PM

    My take on the PS3 vs. Wii

    If a Wii is a beefy Gamecube with a neat controller, what is the PS3? An...upgraded...PS2? Just like every other old gen versus new gen system. Weak argument.
  • 04-13-2011, 07:43 AM
    Killer Karen

    My take on the PS3 vs. Wii

    To be honest, I think of a Wii as a beefy-Gamecube with a neat controller.

    For graphics and next-gen stuff, it's between 360 and PS3. I'll wait for the good PS3 games to come out, and then we'll have to see who wins the HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray war on the DVD formatting. Also, my TV is high-def but lacks HDMI.

    While they duke it out, I'll play my PS2 and maybe spend a few bucks on a Wii.
  • 04-12-2011, 02:18 PM

    My take on the PS3 vs. Wii

    His comparing the prices. So to me im guessing he cant afford it. And tries to say its to expensive.

    The wii is a must nintendo is that shit when it comes to having fun on systems. I cant stop playing my ds and mario kart online.

    But ps3 just owns when playing some madden, and resistance. The 360 aint bad at all. I was going to get a 360 but came across a ps3 and i liked the blu ray feature. TO ME i think the ps3 is a great price.
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