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  • 05-14-2011, 06:28 PM
    Sonu Singh

    Alternate to "Ramen" Noodles

    Omelet wrote:

    I love the texture of shirataki--not quite as much as I love bean
    thread though.

    Jean B.
  • 04-21-2011, 09:01 PM

    Alternate to "Ramen" Noodles

    Omelet wrote:

    Hmmm. Odd thought. I wonder whether one could combine the two?

    Jean B.
  • 04-21-2011, 11:33 AM
    a??? Brittney a???

    Alternate to "Ramen" Noodles

    Omelet wrote:

    With sugar alcohols it's comparatively simple. Know the carb count that
    kicks me out of ketonuria. Be in ketonuria. Eat to right up near the
    limit. Eat the sugar alcohol by gram count. See if it kicks me out of
    ketonuria. When I did that experiment it showed that I absorb over 50%
    as carb grams so rather than count none I count all.

    With fiber my method is much less exact. Have a low fiber meal where I
    low the blood sugar response. Another day have the same meal with
    different fiber count. Track blood sugar response. Using the colored
    strips from the store that are no where near exact because I don't need
    a machine. If I had a machine and did hourly readings it would be more
    exact. The way I did it was more finger in the wind level of

    Treating absorbsion of non-carb fiber calories through blood sugar
    reaction can't be anything like exact. It's what I could think of. But
    how to get an exact count? Even chemical tests on stool can't achieve
    that because of calories absorbed by intestinal bacteria.
  • 04-21-2011, 03:01 AM
    a??? Brittney a???

    Alternate to "Ramen" Noodles

    Omelet wrote:

    If you eat foods from the Atkins Induction list or otherwise stay near
    20 for your other meals that puts you near 50. It is very easy to eat
    near 20. You have a good plan.

    Soluble fiber does reduce cholesterol. It's supposed to be from
    absorbing dietary cholesterol. I'm dubious that can be true based on
    the amounts involved. A simple model is higher fiber eating is good for
    you and that helps cholesterol but that too is dubious on mechanisms. ;^)
  • 04-21-2011, 02:26 AM

    Alternate to "Ramen" Noodles

    Omelet wrote:

    ---= On The Bust =---

    Sheldon was riding a bus, minding his own business, when the gorgeous
    woman next to him started to breastfeed her baby.
    The baby wouldn't take it, so she said: "Come on, eat it all up or ...
    I'll have to give it to this nice man here."
    Five minutes later, the baby was still not feeding, so she said, "Come
    on, honey. Take it or I'll give it to this nice man here."
    A few minutes later Sheldon blurted out: "Come on, kid. Make up your
    mind! I was supposed to get off four stops ago!"
  • 04-20-2011, 06:05 AM
    mrs ask alot

    Alternate to "Ramen" Noodles

    On Tue, 01 Feb 2011 14:18:03 -0600, Omelet

    Perhaps you'd like me to help you get things off your chest...
  • 04-20-2011, 12:50 AM
    Hey Libs!

    Alternate to "Ramen" Noodles

    On 1/31/2011 11:11 PM, Omelet wrote:

    The texture depends upon the mix and can range from rubbery and chewy to
    something like Jell-O. Not being made from animal hooves and hide is a
    big plus too. :-)
  • 04-19-2011, 02:39 PM

    Alternate to "Ramen" Noodles

    Omelet wrote:

    I have done experiments on myself that confirm my body absorbs roughly
    half of the calories from some sorts of fiber. The types in fruit and
    grain. I have not tried any experiments on myself with glucomannan.
    The number of calories involved is small enough it hardly matters
    whether I count them or not, count half of them or not.
  • 04-19-2011, 06:49 AM

    Alternate to "Ramen" Noodles

    Omelet wrote:

    If you have the 1993 edition of the Atkins book look up "reversal diet"
    and then start reading a bit over a page before that point keeping in
    mind the too low too long thing. He started encountering people who had
    stayed at or before 20 grams per day for a very long time and who had
    stopped burning fat as their majority fuel. I call it "Eskimo mode" as
    the few Inuits and Eskimos who still live the traditional hunting
    lifestyle on the ice can go years where the only carbs they eat are from
    liver. Go low enough long enough and the body switches to some sort of
    long term adusted mode. Been there, done that, studied for years to
    come to a tentative hypothesis for how it happens.

    If low is good, lower is not better. I have used oatmeal at breakfast
    the same way. Have a 20 carb gram breakfast and eat low carb the rest
    of the day to stay easily near a dialy total of 50.
  • 04-18-2011, 12:17 PM
    Queen Elizabeth

    Alternate to "Ramen" Noodles

    On 1/31/2011 12:39 PM, Omelet wrote:

    That's pretty gross. That's the kind of noodles that's used in sukiyaki.
    I never did like those rubbery noodles. They probably use that stuff
    because it doesn't swell up like most noodles.

    They make those choking-hazard fruit jellies out of konjak. The Asians
    also use agar to make gel deserts and candy such as yokan. The great
    thing about konjak and agar-agar is that the stuff holds it's shape at
    room temperature. I'm not sure why it's use is not more widespread in
    this country.
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