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  • 05-16-2011, 05:08 PM
    tom ridle

    Taking some wine to friends house.

    "Ophelia" wrote

    I use some kits, but I also buy fresh juice at times when available. Kits
    contain concentrate. Better kits are not as concentrated. One of the
    little tricks to a more robust wine is to add less water than called for.

    I've done quite a few varieties. Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Merlot, Chianti,
    etc. I usually make about 30 bottles at a time. The reds will age for
    about a year and last another two years or so. Then they can go off a bit.
    The cost per bottle runs from $2 to $4.
  • 05-16-2011, 05:07 PM
    roshan r

    Taking some wine to friends house.

    Re: [email protected]

    Ed Pawlowski wrote:

    Wines that need decanting are usually older high quality wines which need
    decanting because they have developed a sediment in the bottle. It has
    nothing to do with whether they are filtered before bottling. Even a first
    growth Bordeaux wine is filtered. But twenty years later, you'll certainly
    have sediment.
  • 05-16-2011, 05:05 PM
    Jenny C

    Taking some wine to friends house.

    On Sun, 20 Mar 2011 10:00:49 -0700, Mort wrote:

    A nice Malbec from Chili won't need to breathe.


    Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
  • 05-01-2011, 10:40 AM

    Taking some wine to friends house.

    On 23/03/2011 12:36 AM, Nunya Bidnits wrote:

    I don't care about their race or economic standing. AFAIAC, if they are
    too ignorant to know the meaning of the word and are under the
    impression that a word is a slut because of one syllable, they are not
    entitled to have an opinion. They are wrong, plain and simple. One
    would hope that the least they could do would be to listen to the
    explanation, maybe check a dictionary, admit that they were wrong and
    drop it.

    But...... they are stupid. It is not even the same damned word. It is
    niggardly, not nigger. The word "chink" has long been used for a flaw
    in armor. It was much latter that it became slur for Chinese. It is the
    same word, but I have never heard any Chinese people complaining aout
    the appropriate use of the word despite it being identical to the slur.

    I fear it goes beyond that. I am concerned about the bizarre sense of
    entitlement.In this case, people think that they have the right to
    complain about someone using a perfectly valid word that has been used
    appropriately, and all arising from their own personal ignorance.

    I am watching a somewhat related case of entitlement unwinding here. We
    have a government run board to administer the compensation of victims of
    crime. In theory, it is funded by a surcharge on fines. Most of the
    fines are from traffic tickets, and I can't figure out why speeders
    should have to pay to compensate robbery and assault victims, but that
    is a different matter.

    A woman in a nearby city is appealing the rejection of her claim. Her
    son was murdered and she figures that she should be entitled to
    compensation. Sure, she is victim.... indirectly. Her son was killed and
    she has suffered a loss. However, IMO, she is the mother of the victim,
    not the direct victim. Hell, if you are going to allow a parent to
    collect as a victim, why not siblings, grandparents even friends?
    AFSIAC, if she expect to capitalize on her son;s murder she should have
    taken out a life insurance policy.
  • 04-30-2011, 12:10 PM

    Taking some wine to friends house.

    "James Silverton" wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...

    I used to make that Elderflower Champagne it was called and ended up
    wonderfully fizzy



  • 04-29-2011, 01:15 PM
    Reese W

    Taking some wine to friends house.

    On Tue, 22 Mar 2011 23:36:56 -0500, "Nunya Bidnits"

    I wonder how many of them have multiple trolling news posting accounts
    and are professional snitches like you, bitch?
  • 04-29-2011, 03:37 AM

    Taking some wine to friends house.

    On 3/22/2011 7:34 PM, Landon wrote:

    My grandfather who made "wine" from almost every fruit used to make a
    pleasant wine from elder *flowers*.


    James Silverton, Potomac

    I'm "not"
    [email protected]
  • 04-28-2011, 07:08 AM

    Taking some wine to friends house.

    "Ed Pawlowski" wrote in message
    news:[email protected] ...

    What kind do you make, Ed? Do you always use kits?


  • 04-28-2011, 04:07 AM

    Taking some wine to friends house.

    Nunya Bidnits wrote:

    I disagree, if you're saying that only rare exceptional wines
    can be stored 50 to 100 years without becoming oxidized.

    You maybe be saying something different than this.

  • 04-27-2011, 08:53 PM

    Taking some wine to friends house.

    Re: [email protected]

    sf wrote:

    Wine made from chili. Fascinating.

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