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  • 06-23-2011, 05:44 PM

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 4.10 "Aliens Among Us" (Spoilers)

    really do think that agent bishop is trying to do the right thing but he should take a differnet direction. Like installing satalite grids around the earth to alert anyone of aline activty.

    The super solder thing is just stupid! destroy 57% of the earths population and replace them with aline fighters. After that theres barley an humanity to save.

    Bishop battle suit was cool and him getting knocked down the tube pricless!
  • 06-23-2011, 02:32 PM
    Dereck Z

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 4.10 "Aliens Among Us" (Spoilers)

    Ah forgot about that DVD title. That could be a possiblity wouldn't it? I actually interpreted that title as either episodes having a theme with (obviously) mutants, or a whole mess of Bishop's mutants (that he personally made) were going to run amok.

    If the goo in the sewers is what causes the outbreak, maybe Don will figure out a cure from the sample he took in this episode. Or maybe he turns into more mutated Don before or after he can find one?

    I just love how little a clue I have as to where S4 plot will take us. So many speculations that can all be plausable yet the show keeps us second guessing ourselves.

    As for the "Fast Forward" bit, isn't it only for the toyline? Or has there been word that it'll be in the show? I think I've read somewhere that season 5 or 6 will head into a new direction, but I can't rely on my memory for its authenticity:sweat:
  • 06-22-2011, 01:21 PM
    fahad www.mygamestube.net

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 4.10 "Aliens Among Us" (Spoilers)

    I noticed that. That RATA-TAT-TAT sound threw me off at first but then I realized "Real guns (or a reasonable facsimile of such)? In a modern-day cartoon? t3h w1n!"
  • 06-21-2011, 05:26 PM

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 4.10 "Aliens Among Us" (Spoilers)

    No, the extra mutation was from the old cartoon solely. It was stated in-show to be a natural growth from their alrady mutated state into something more. They got a lot more powerful, but less mental control. It was a pretty good subplot, as it wasn't always used as a way out of hopeless fight situations. It was the show's explanation for the "Super-Mutant" action figures, and a pretty good one.

    Anywho, they cured it towards the end with some kind of "death crystal" or something they got from Lord Dregg.
  • 06-21-2011, 01:23 PM
    per fin

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 4.10 "Aliens Among Us" (Spoilers)

    I was just thinking about the end of the episode with the whole alien ooze.

    During that preview of season 4 we saw Donatello transform [at least I think it was Donny]. Anyways, I vaguely remember that the latter part of the original TMNT cartoon had the turtles mutate even further. Was this from the comics? And do you think that?s what?s happening to Donny there?
  • 06-21-2011, 10:08 AM

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 4.10 "Aliens Among Us" (Spoilers)

    At first, when I saw the preview, I
    but when we learn the "Invasion" is a hoax I :zim:

    very Luthor/Xanatos-esque of Agent Bishop.
    I still wonder if Stockman is going to return as an organic being.
    now that they Turtles have been outted, I expect to see H.A.T.E re-appear, as foreshadowed by the upcoming dvd. As well as the alien bio-goo that leaks into the storm drain (Mutant Outbreak)

    funny reference: He slimed me.
    and Raph was funny again: "I want to hear him hit bottom" and "I like it when they POP"

    more role reversal: Raph asking Leo if they needed a plan, Leo responds "We take out every alien we find!" Reminds me of Jonah Hex in The Once and Future Thing: "Plan?!? We put 'em in the ground!"

    I do hope we get to see Karai & the Foot soon though.
    btw, in case some didn't know, the net says the next ep is about the Purple Dragons (Hun )
  • 06-20-2011, 05:44 PM

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 4.10 "Aliens Among Us" (Spoilers)

    I was a tad bit disappointed when the Turtles didn't go after Bishop in that scene, but what you just said makes me feel better about the whole thing.

    I saw that something was going on with Bishop's hand. I wonder what that is. Then again, knowing me, that's probably something that has happened in past episodes that I either overlooked or forgot about. Oh well.

    Then there was that artist's rendering of the turtles in the end. I couldn't help but crack up when I saw that.
  • 06-20-2011, 03:13 AM
    C. .

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 4.10 "Aliens Among Us" (Spoilers)

    Speaking of guns, did anyone else notice that Bishop's armour had a built-in chaingun which fired actual BULLETS?

    It's these little ballsy inserts that make me appreciate this show even more.
  • 06-19-2011, 05:53 PM

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 4.10 "Aliens Among Us" (Spoilers)

    I liked the effect of the Alien saucers uncloaking, very cool. Also the War of the Worlds sound queue they had. I love the parodys that this show always has.

    The artist rendering of the turtles was funny as shell. Bishop continues to be a villain I love to hate. I think he is a human that is genetically altered. He hates aliens too much to be one.
  • 06-18-2011, 05:40 PM

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 4.10 "Aliens Among Us" (Spoilers)

    Noting the names of the DVD titles there is one called "Mutant Outbreak" I do believe that slime combined with various chemicals or what not in the sewer water will cause a mutant appedemic either with humans, animals or both. And yeah it probably will have something to do with "Fast Forward" if it isn't resolved in this season. Man this shows continuity links are awesome to speculate.
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