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  • 06-23-2011, 03:47 PM
    Super Troll

    Dub Hate

    As far as opinions of english dubs go Toon Zone is one of the most open minded and positive sites out there.

    Personally i prefer dubs because Tv shows are meant to be watched. When I want to read I pick up a book or a comic. Reading TV to me is like listening to a book on tape, it ruins the purpose. But I will watch a sub is the dub out right sucks, like with love Hina.
  • 06-23-2011, 11:27 AM

    Dub Hate

    Yeah but most jokes wouldn't make hardly any sense on Subtitles either, with subtitles (in any language) something's get misintepreted most of my hispanic friends tell each other jokes and they tell me and it makes no sense because it's funny in their language .I watch sub shows that don't have an english dub and i'm like this would've have been so much better in english it's not a biased thing for me, but if I knew japanese I loved the option to really understand what their saying
  • 06-23-2011, 03:29 AM

    Dub Hate

    I watch the dub first, no matter how bad it is.
    If the English one is pretty bad, I look around for a Korean one, and if it's better, I watch that version.
    Then if I feel the need to, I might watch subs later.
    I just like to watch the show in a language I understand.

    I can understand simply preferring to watch with subs, doesn't mean they're weeaboos,
    but totally marking off a dub as bad just because it's not the original is a little silly.
  • 06-22-2011, 04:11 AM
    Brendon McCullum

    Dub Hate

    My preference to watching Japanese productions in their original language is due to the fact that I know Japanese and want to expand my knowledge of it anyway I can, not out of hatred for dubs.
  • 06-21-2011, 04:02 PM

    Dub Hate

    For me - I perfer to watch dubs of my favorite shows.
    Bakugan, pokemon, and most importantly yugioh (any of the 3 series)

    I just do not feel comfortable about watching the original japanese versions + subs. Because well, there's severeal reasons for me.

    *I dont want to have to keep looking down reading what people are saying, then move my eyes back up to watch what's going on ..then constantly keep lookign down to see if the next line appears, back and forth nonstop ..cause i won't be able to pay attention to the actual show itself.
    * I don't like watching on computer compared to TV. My computer's motherboard can not support any cards for TV-cards or whatever. So i wouldn't be able to.

    I've just always perferred to wait and watch my shows on TV, in english. Saturday morning's, new episodes of shows, so that's the time of the week i look forward to the most than any other time in the week period

    There's this one person in a irc room i hang out in that's been begging me to watch my shows in the orgiinal japanese versions with subs.
    I know it's a million times better and everything, but i keep tellign him no repeatedly.
    It's just my honest, personal prefrence.
  • 06-21-2011, 02:52 PM

    Dub Hate

    Unless the dub is really bad or not that good (yugioh 5d's) I'll watch subs. But 99% of the time I'll choose a dubs. Those people are just dub haters who have a biased opinon who think the japanesse language is the best even though most of them don't understand it. They comment on youtube videos about a dub just to trash it. It's sad
  • 06-20-2011, 08:59 PM

    Dub Hate

    From reading these posts I would surmise, the most "vocal" people are Sub fans, but in all reality there are a lot more Dub fans than you would think.

    I normally watch 50-50.
  • 06-19-2011, 11:52 PM
    kris c

    Dub Hate

    Well, if I want to read an anime, I'll read a manga.

    Look, if you think the original dub is better, cool. But please, don't act your better or look down on ppl. Thats one of the reasons why I don't like sub fans, some of them act cooky.
  • 06-19-2011, 02:57 AM
    Noana Aho!

    Dub Hate

    In many cases I actually prefer watching the show dubbed. Take Cowboy Bebop, for example. I find the dub to be much better than the sub. The English VAs are all perfect.
  • 06-18-2011, 11:58 PM

    Dub Hate

    I prefer watching Miyazaki films dubbed as oppossed to subbed.

    There. I said it...I'd say it again if I had to.

    That said, for live-action movies, I prefer subbing, due to the lip-synch issues, but most Japanese animation I've seen tends to animate the mouths first, then record the dialogue, so it's essentially getting "dubbed" in it's original language! :shrug: Plus, the mouth movements rarely match the spoken dialogue even in Japanese.
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