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  • 09-04-2011, 09:17 PM
    hey =)

    "Right-wing nutters in the US threaten world economy."

    For what it's worth i agree with you. But how are we to encourage manufacturing to come back here when peasants in China will work for a quarter an hour? Tax breaks? LAWL.

    We are a consumer economy. The only way we make money is if people continue to consume - and that includes Rashawnda and her 22s. America is toast. The only decision we have is whether to let it peter out over 100 years, or pull the plug and take away any hope for our children's futures.
  • 09-04-2011, 05:35 PM

    "Right-wing nutters in the US threaten world economy."

    That is exactly the way he and other typical leftists think. The government by default has the first claim on everyone's income. After that, whatever they generously decide to let you keep is what you get to keep.

    Hand in hand with that is their ability to decide for people who make a lot of money how much is "enough" and what they can "afford".
  • 09-04-2011, 08:20 AM
    Emmα :)

    "Right-wing nutters in the US threaten world economy."

    Who said anything about agreeing with him?

    The point is that the man is clearly qualified to comment.

    That you rednecks got all pussyhurt because someone from overseas, clearly vastly more qualified in matters of economics than yourselves, was critical of your views says more about your argument than it does mine.

    Oh and I'd love to know what "credentials" someone like Anti-Liberal has - something he's so far neglected to elaborate on.
  • 09-03-2011, 10:20 PM

    "Right-wing nutters in the US threaten world economy."

    To do what? Talk about expanding the American Debt Ceiling?

    Sorry, but that Brit can go fuck off. Maybe he should worry about his own fucking country, and how it's become, because of fucking Liberals like him, nothing more than Germany without having to speak German.
  • 09-03-2011, 04:49 PM

    "Right-wing nutters in the US threaten world economy."

    Yes, yes. And why is America a consumer nation? Because it doesn't invest in capital gooRAB which are pretty much the only way to actually make stuff... you know, like what successful countries like Germany and Switzerland do. It's a bubble economy based off taking loans from nations that produce stuff and redistributing it around.

    Good idea. Rather than encourage a shift to a more reasonable economic model, you should encourage Shaquanda to buy rims rather than give Dow Chemical a tax break to build a plant making chemicals in America. Nevermind that the rims were probably sold in Wal-Mart and were made in China and that Dow Chemical's investment in capital gooRAB is better in the long run. No. All consumption on anything is a same.

    So the rim companies go bust, but Americans who aren't worthless get money to save, which increases available capital. Savings are good too you know... countries which have economies right now which don't suck were the ones with high savings rates (Germany, Switzerland, the NetherlanRAB.) Bubble service economy is better, obviously.
  • 09-03-2011, 06:18 AM

    "Right-wing nutters in the US threaten world economy."

    Regardless he's still eminently more qualified than you.
  • 09-03-2011, 06:01 AM
    Cristian R.

    "Right-wing nutters in the US threaten world economy."

    I still fail to see how this tax and give away is anything different than me snatching a dollar out of the register and using it to buy a candy bar in the same store. (Sales figures are up and I get a free candy bar!)

    Or is it some sort of wealth redistribution thing again designed to reward a shitty store and a poor person at the expense of a successful store?

    Then again, it may be that the entire consumerist economy is built upon people buying things they don't need with money they don't have (or free money taken from others) creating a huge bubble that is basically being maintained for political reasons because nobody wants to be the one in charge when it pops.
  • 09-02-2011, 07:06 AM

    "Right-wing nutters in the US threaten world economy."

    So in other worRAB, he WASN'T a professor.

    A lecturer in UK universities often holRAB a permanent position that involves carrying out both teaching and research. After a nuraber of years, lecturers might be promoted to senior lecturers. This position is below reader and professor.

    And it wasn't AND ... he just lectured at Glasgow from 68 to 74. He never Lectured or was a professor at Carabridge or LSE.
  • 09-02-2011, 07:04 AM
    cutie bug

    "Right-wing nutters in the US threaten world economy."

    Walmart might not go out of business, but you can sure bet the small business down the street that is competing with walmart will lose more customers than walmart will, and probably go out of business, or maybe even get lucky enough to be bought out by walmart.

    I don't see why you hate small business.
  • 09-01-2011, 12:58 PM
    tx askerrrr

    "Right-wing nutters in the US threaten world economy."

    Not giving away free money != taking money out of pockets.

    You act as if the only way people have money is because the government gave it to them.

    Ok so if the government doesn't tax lemonade stanRAB and corporations pay taxes as you've pointed out, then I will adjust.

    Walmart (Corporation) makes a bunch of money. They pay taxes. Some of those tax dollars are given to poor people so they can buy stuff at Walmart. If that didn't happen, Walmart goes out of business?

    BTW: I haven't been on here in a while. Your trolling is still top notch. I salute you.
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