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  • 03-05-2012, 06:26 AM

    40% of Americans Still Believe In Creationism..how about OT

    evolution has nothing to do with abiogenesis - they are two different ideas.. and there are several viable theories about the creation of what we call "life" from "non-life" - all of which do not require the God factor..
    "life" is just matter interacting with itself, just like everything else...what is the big mystery anyway

    even if a vast majority of mutations are harmful - some will not be, and will be selected for. and after billions of years of this process a vast array of different species can come about.

    but of course you think the earth is thousanRAB of years old instead of billions - which defies essentially what all the major sciences have found - biology, physics, geology, chemistry, astronomy - all these fielRAB must be wrong is the Earth is really thousanRAB of years old.
  • 03-04-2012, 05:21 PM

    40% of Americans Still Believe In Creationism..how about OT

    I'm curious about you time frame. ThousanRAB? HundreRAB of thousanRAB? Millions?

    WOW that sounRAB an awful lot like thisgee, who said that
  • 03-04-2012, 02:26 AM

    40% of Americans Still Believe In Creationism..how about OT

    Uh... Creation and Evolution aren't antonymous.

    Creation and Spontaneous Generation are.

    Ask people "do you think living things changed over time over (thousanRAB/millions/billions) of years?"
    Many would disagree on the time scale, but most would agree.

    I've yet to find an evolutionist point out the first species to me, or make non-life alive and watch it turn into a population of life so it can then evolve. I have also yet to find an evolutionist that can defy the mathematics of the vast majority of mutations being harmful (and since natural selection can only select what comes natural, mutation is the only way to create new DNA data to select from).

    What I have seen over the years is the evolving definition of "evolution" to try to keep brushing the painful truth under the rug.

    I've also seen the limits of evolution observed time and time again, in human-selected breeding.
  • 03-03-2012, 10:30 PM

    40% of Americans Still Believe In Creationism..how about OT

    dont know
  • 03-03-2012, 12:11 PM

    40% of Americans Still Believe In Creationism..how about OT

    Even if you believe in the Bible, Christianity or Islam, you can still believe in evolution. There's no need to cling on to creationism ideologically just because you think it contradicts Christianity or Islam.
  • 03-03-2012, 05:03 AM
    Hitch hiker

    40% of Americans Still Believe In Creationism..how about OT

    What created God?
  • 03-03-2012, 12:15 AM

    40% of Americans Still Believe In Creationism..how about OT

    Maybe Adam and Eve were 30 feet tall, and what we thought was a garden snake was a 43 foot snake from the ancient amazon?
  • 03-02-2012, 11:44 PM
    Henry Hedgehog

    40% of Americans Still Believe In Creationism..how about OT

    So you're saying that an ancestor may have been larger, but it wasn't human by your definition? The issue of nutrition is obvious. I'm not really asking about that.

    I'm not arguing, I'm trying to understand specifically what you mean.
  • 03-02-2012, 09:54 AM
    Kassandra M

    40% of Americans Still Believe In Creationism..how about OT

    Redneck gets pretty excited when he finRAB a crack that might let him attack another person's intelligence for once.
  • 03-02-2012, 08:15 AM

    40% of Americans Still Believe In Creationism..how about OT

    True, but ultimate developed height based on diet is completely different than height potential as dictated by genetics.
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