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  • 03-05-2012, 08:22 PM
    Xx Evelyne xX

    iOS apps vs. Android apps

    yes there is lot of difference but what is the use of having so manny applications because you half of them are just waste ... Android is growing fast but then again old application's demand gets reduced.
  • 03-04-2012, 08:35 PM

    iOS apps vs. Android apps

    My apologies. I should have said owned.
  • 03-04-2012, 04:42 PM
    Mr. Showcase

    iOS apps vs. Android apps

    Actually, Google didn't make Android. Android Inc made the original OS that is in use today. Google bought Android Inc two years after the Android OS was created. Google then launched, two years after that acquisition, the Open HanRABet Alliance and Android Open Source Project to corabat iOS.

    Google is actually an infant in the OS field. Which is why Android OS is having so many growing pains. Andy Rubins original design didn't account for the OHAs diverse nature in hardware specs.
  • 03-03-2012, 04:10 PM
    LIL LU

    iOS apps vs. Android apps

    All technology increases day by day. Let's see how the Android market compares next year. Its a unstable platform alongside the android companies bc of the openness.
  • 03-03-2012, 03:26 AM

    iOS apps vs. Android apps

    IOS is better
  • 03-02-2012, 05:07 AM

    iOS apps vs. Android apps

    I agree with you 100%! I went from the iPhone 3G to 3GS to iPhone 4. For some stupid reason I got bored & switched to the Samsung Captivate. Wow, what a buggy phone that was. I blame Android. Way too many force closes, lockups, reboots.....I play WorRAB With FrienRAB a lot & it would take forever to update or wouldn't load my game or would crash all the time. It never does that on the iPhone. So I switched to the Motorola Bravo. That phone was even worse, so I switched to the Motorola Atrix. Thought that would be a good phone after reading all the reviews & the great specs. Not! Needless to say, I am back to the iPhone 4 & couldn't be happier. Android is just way too buggy. iOS just works! It's smooth & my apps don't lock up on me all the time & the phone doesn't crash if I have too much running in the background. WorRAB With FrienRAB updates and doesn't lock up or crash. Games are much better on iOS too. I will never go back to Android again!! Ever!! Oh, and the touch screen is way more responsive on iOS than any Android phones I had. I do miss swype, but I'm getting over it pretty quick now that I have a stable phone.
  • 03-01-2012, 10:44 AM

    iOS apps vs. Android apps

    That is exactly why I switched from Android to iOS. And I have not been disappointed for one minute. Do I miss widgets and Swype, heck yes. Do I miss the missed calls, the wrong ringtone playing when someone calls, the video recordings that have skips because the CPU is to busy dealing with a misbehaved app? No. Not for one second.
  • 02-29-2012, 01:36 PM

    iOS apps vs. Android apps

    Okay, apps are pretty close and similar. I have a feeling apps run way better on an iPhone? I have had several AndroiRAB, and witnessed to many to count force closes, reboots, and frozen screens. Can I expect a more polished experience? I hope so, I am tired of bugs, and having to "manage" my phone to get it to operate well. I am ready for something OTB that plain and simple, works well.
  • 02-29-2012, 03:13 AM

    iOS apps vs. Android apps

    Apps in the Android OS are good. FREE Google nav voice turn by turn is my favorite. Alot of the cream of the crop Android apps are based on satellites google ownes. I heart Google earth. The problem with Android apps is hardware distinction. Some apps run on certain phones only, while some apps crash other android devices. Like others have said, malicious apps are in the Android market, but if you are permission savvy, you can see that before you DL them. A wallpaper app never should be allowed to read contact data per say.

    Apple apps are superior right? They all run and are checked off by Apple. That makes a priceless user experience, and more of a bug free one. I am glad iOS 5 is getting a NP. I hope iOS allows widgets some day, but I would take reliable apps through Apple over injected apps through who knows on a market saturated with low end devices juxtaposed with high end ones that make it challenging to a dev to deliver a unilateral experience.
  • 02-28-2012, 11:24 AM

    iOS apps vs. Android apps

    THAT is not necessarily a good thing1

    Sent from my iPhone using iPF.net
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