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  • 03-17-2012, 06:33 AM
    King of (screamo) Crunk

    This is the thread for the "liberals" to explain how tax cuts = spending

    I hope you enjoy Tyler Thigpen.
  • 03-16-2012, 07:25 AM
    Leather Neck

    This is the thread for the "liberals" to explain how tax cuts = spending

    Giving money away = spending. Stop whining that you got entitlement money.
  • 03-07-2012, 05:19 PM

    This is the thread for the "liberals" to explain how tax cuts = spending

    Bush crash = 3.6T in debt through lost revenue

    Bush tax cuts = 3 trillion (GOP Congress)
    Bush wars = 1.4 trillion (GOP Congress)
    Bush Big Farm bills = 400b (GOP Congress)
    Bush Rx plan = 300b (GOP Congress)
    Bush increased security, veterans benefits, discretionary approved by GOP Congress = 1.7 trillion
    Bush stimulus = 200b


    $10 trillion of the $14 trillion we owe is from Bush, $3 trillion is from Social Security, $1 trillion is from Obama

  • 03-06-2012, 04:25 PM
    B1U3 BOY

    This is the thread for the "liberals" to explain how tax cuts = spending

    No, I have no illusions that the money belongs to the government. It does not. I also have no illusions that the tax code tenRAB to play favorites (via loopholes or subsidies) to various industries/organizations/etc... NOWHERE have I EVER advocated that the money "belongs" to the government.

    Loopholes = Alternate way to subsidize. Only difference is they don't collect it up front only to return it later.

    Firstly, the problem is your understanding of what I was getting at.

    Secondly, I agree with everything you said after the word "Secondly" was used in your post.
  • 03-06-2012, 05:27 AM

    This is the thread for the "liberals" to explain how tax cuts = spending

    Your whole argument there is based on the idea that the federal government has an inherent right to the people's money -- that whatever it would like to take for some pragmatic purpose, it can and should take.

    There are two problems with this. Firstly, no... just, no. Secondly, the government has been extremely irresponsible with the money it has already taken from the people, wasting it on pointless, inefficient, or outright destructive policies rather than things the country really does need. This makes the proposition of giving them even more resources to waste one of throwing good money after bad.
  • 03-05-2012, 11:04 AM
    zach p

    This is the thread for the "liberals" to explain how tax cuts = spending

    Spending increases under the Bush administration were about 10% (allthatshit) and 90% federal departmental bloat and entitlements... you know, the stuff that conservatives weren't very happy about while Republicans (there is a difference) were doing it.

    Good effort though
  • 03-04-2012, 03:43 PM
    Farmall Boy

    This is the thread for the "liberals" to explain how tax cuts = spending

    "I don't like analogies. Not unless they equate the government with a household, foreign aid with biblical fishing, gay marriage with bestiality and/or pedophilia, reality with cliche, et cetera..."
  • 03-04-2012, 09:20 AM

    This is the thread for the "liberals" to explain how tax cuts = spending

    The only logical explanation thus far
  • 03-04-2012, 03:49 AM

    This is the thread for the "liberals" to explain how tax cuts = spending

    If tax cuts are a cost why don't people who post "bush tax cut costs xxx trillion " ever post a picture with our total revenue - average tax rate.

    So if bob earns $100 and the tax rate was 20% ( $20 tax ) and then bush lowered it to an 10% rate ( $10 tax) you all would say this is a $10 cost or an addition the the deficit. Yet NO ONE has shown a pretty graph explaining how the past government has failed to collect the additional $80 from beginning due to past governments lowering our tax rate from it's highest point.

    To clarify. There have been tons and tons of tax cuts, why Is bush'es the only one illustrated as a cost?
  • 03-04-2012, 12:03 AM

    This is the thread for the "liberals" to explain how tax cuts = spending

    what a logically sound post
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