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  • 04-29-2012, 10:12 AM
    ???? ?l????

    How does car insurance make someone safer?

    It REALLY annoys me when police try and make out that having no insurance is especially bad if you have kids in the car. I see it all time on police documentaries where they try and make a driver feel bad for having no insurance with children in the car.

    Let me state the obvious that most police don't seem able to comprehend due to their official police-force brainwashing - HAVING NO INSURANCE DOES NOT INCREASE THE RISK OF AN ACCIDENT... AT ALL.

    If someone is in an accident, insurance is not going to make the slightest bit of difference to anyone's survival rate. All insurance does is, compensate money and proportion blame for the accident. 99.9% of the time, an accident is an accident regardless of insurance status and if someone has insurance it's not going to make an accident less likely.

    Also, if a child is in a car accident, a hospital will treat the child EXACTLY the same with insurance or without. This is the UK so it bares no relevance to healthcare. The only time insurance might make a difference to someone in a car accident is if they need specialist private care that costs money but I'm sure most people will raise this cash if it's urgently needed to save a child's life. Don't think this is common, this is a RARE circumstance that shouldn't even bare any relevance but I've mentioned it because I know a few people are going to try and justify their brainwashing with this excuse.

    In my opinion, we need to stop letting coppers get away with these mind games because all they're doing is trying to justify their corporate revenue collecting by making people feel guilty and bad.

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