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  • 06-29-2012, 11:32 AM

    Eric Holder the Mickey Mouse Attorney General - Washington Times

    Peter Bella

    “Today’s vote is the regrettable culmination of what became a misguided – and politically motivated – investigation during an election year. By advancing it over the past year and a half, Congressman Issa and others have focused on politics over public safety…
    “During this time, the men and women of the Department of Justice – and I – have remained focused on what should and must be our government’s top priority: protecting the American people…
    “Some of these enforcement decisions were not politically popular and help to explain the action taken today by the House. As Attorney General, I do not look to do that which is politically expedient – on behalf of the American people whom I am privileged to serve, I seek justice…
    “Whatever the path that this matter will now follow, it will not distract me or the men and women of the Department of Justice from the important tasks that are our responsibility. A great deal of work for the American people remains to be done – I’m getting back to it. I suggest that those who orchestrated today’s vote do the same." (Attorney General Eric Holder)
    CHICAGO, JUNE 29, 2012— “I’m Eric Holder. I’m in contempt of Congress. I’m going to Disney World.” That sums up Holder’s political statement holding Congress in contempt.
    Eric Holder’s term as Attorney General has been misguided and political. His job, his only job, like the rest of the cabinet, is to get the President reelected. That has been job one from day one. Eric Holder has continually focused on politics over public safety. He put politics over people. People have suffered.
    Two agents were killed. Brian Terry and Jaime Zapata’s family want answers. They do not want political posturing or pandering. They do not want stonewalling and cover ups. They want answers. So do the American people.
    Eric Holder does not focus on protecting the American people. His only focus are on blocs that can generate the necessary votes to get his friend and boss, the president, reelected.
    Every decision Holder made during his term has been filtered through the lens of political expediency. He is focused on politics and politics only. He does not seek justice. He seeks votes.
    What is particularly contemptible is the contempt Holder holds for Congress. He has the temerity to tell them to get to work on behalf of the American people. Maybe Holder, like President Obama, is politically tone deaf. The American people demand answers.
    Holder must also be oblivious. The Congress, under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner, has been working hard. It is the Senate, under the leadership of Harry Reid that spent the past three and a half years acting like sloths.
    By the way, when is Holder going to work for the American people instead of against them?
    Holder does not seem to know to whom he is accountable. He is accountable to the American people. He works for us. It is the United States Department of Justice. It is not the Obama and Holder Law firm.
    Holder firmly believes he is entitled to his job. He, Eric Holder, has a constitutional right to be the Attorney General. He is accountable to no one. He is responsible for nothing.
    Public service is privilege, duty, and honor. It is not a right. Privileges have responsibility. Privileged people must be held accountable.
    Holder’s statement demonstrates he has nothing but contempt for the American people. He will not be held responsible. He will not be accountable. Holder will be political.
    He, like his boss, blames Bush.
    People made some very serious mistakes with Operation Fast and Furious. The first one was conceiving such an operation. Few have suffered the consequences of their actions. Had Holder immediately fired all the leadership who approved or were responsible for the operation, including acting ATF Director Ken Melson, he would not be the focus of such intense scrutiny.
    When you do your job the way your are supposed to people respect you.
    Holder is hiding something or covering for someone. This investigation is cut and dried. It's a no brainer. It should and could have been completed in weeks. Instead, Holder is dragging his feet. He is stonewalling. Holder is covering up a very big smoking gun.
    Holder’s intransience is inexcusable. It defies logic and reason.
    From day one of the Congressional investigation Eric Holder has been stonewalling and covering up. He is tap dancing around the truth. He is dancing on the graves of those brave agents who died and the hundreds of Mexicans who were killed because of reckless irresponsible decisions and actions.
    He is not representing the American people. He is representing who ever he is covering up and stonewalling for. He is their lawyer not ours.
    The American people deserve better.
    The people do not need an Attorney General who travels the country giving political stump speeches. They do not need an Attorney General who takes legal action against their states because he personally and politically does not like the laws they pass. They do not need an Attorney General who sues or takes actions or tactics for pure political gain.
    They do not need an Attorney General who goes to Disney World during a constitutional crisis.
    The brave members of law enforcement do not need an Attorney General who sues, fights, and tries to hand-cuff them in the name of social justice, There is no such thing.
    The American people do not need an Attorney General like Eric Holder. Eric Holder just hasn’t figured that out yet. He went to Disney World.
    Eric Holder tarnished the reputation of Department of Justice through his pure political machinations. He has no honor. Holder lost whatever privilege he had to serve the American people.
    It is time for Eric Holder to resign. It is time to put this sad chapter of injustice behind us. It time for the American people had an Attorney General who does not hold them in contempt.
    Peter V. Bella is a retired Chicago Police Officer, freelance journalist and photojournalist, cook, and raconteur. He likes to be the irreverent sharp stick that pokes, prods, and annoys. His opinions are his and his alone. Mr. Bella is a member of the National Press Photographers Association and the Society for Professional Journalists.
    [email protected]

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