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  • 07-03-2022, 09:28 AM


    Re: A message from all that can not go...Yup, its pretty lonely here in the forum today.... pics will make it a brighter day for all of us back here at home base
  • 01-15-2013, 07:10 AM

    Message from a Sprint Customer Service Rep.?

    This is not a question, more of a request. I work for Sprint customer service. I work here because it's a job, not because I have anything to do with making Sprint phones, Sprint's network, or Sprint policies. It's my job. I receive calls all the time with people screaming at me, swearing, calling me horrible names, being rude, ignorant and extremely condescending. My #1 priority is to help them with the issue they are having, hopefully satisfy them and get them off the phone somewhat content. My job literally depends on this. No matter how rude a customer is, I need to remain calm and level headed which is difficult with someone screaming on the other end. I am not here to take your money, I get none of it. I am not here to make your life difficult, its easier on me if your happy. I spent Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day this year away from my family and being screamed at by customers about their bill being $10 higher or their text messaging not working. I had to just take it. My request to you Sprint customers, please remember when you call in to be in a somewhat calmed state of mind. That I personally have nothing to do with your billing or the technology of your phone. Also, please PLEASE PLEASE remember....that I am a human being. I KNOW our policies and service are not the absolute best, but it's not my fault. I'm just trying to put food on the table for my children. Thank you.

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