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  • 08-14-2013, 07:52 AM
    It really sucks that you've been put into this position, and I'm saying this honestly, and not in a rude way -- Stay out of it or another decision Do what your heart feels right, if it tells you to do by all means do it.
  • 06-03-2013, 07:53 AM
    You could do that but TRY not to make any heated discussion because that would rack the neutral relationship you had with your roommate. Tell him your issue and try to make an arrangement with him. Suggest some possible options that would do you both good. After all, you're both paying for the place. It's a mutual ground. If he cannot understand, then he should have bought/rented a solo place.
  • 04-01-2013, 01:00 PM
    Harold Potter

    Should I talk to my roommate?

    I'm a guy. I have a girl roommate. Her boyfriend used to live out of state and a few months back came to stay for a week but didn't tell her or me, traded his ticket in and ended up staying for 1 1/2 months. After he left I told her that was unacceptable. Then they took a break (not related to my comments) and now he moved to our city and they are back together.

    He is over 3-5 nights a week, always cooking food for her (though He does clean up), taking showers without asking and laying about in the common area when she is in her room. It's a really small place but it's clean - safe and cheap. I could live here by myself but having a roommate can be fun and makes it even cheaper in this expensive city. The outside walls are fine (protecting from other apartment noise spill) but the inside walls are thin. They don't have loud sex or anything, but they are always in the common area which is right outside my room or he is always there by himself. Then, the past couple of days he has been coming over before she gets home, taking showers without asking, starts cooking (some food he bought and some he didn't) in the kitchen without asking and has been flopping down on the furniture to "rest" because he's "so exhausted".

    What should I do? Am I in the wrong if I tell her I don't want him over more than one night a week. He has his own place, why can't they hang out at his place if they want to be together all the time?

    What should I do? Am I in the wrong? What should I do?

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