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What is the number after 87?


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  • 10-03-2013, 05:07 PM

    What illness does it seem I have? Diabetes, MS, Lupus, vitamin deficiency, etc?


    Over the past year, my health has deteriorated and I am in constant physical discomfort. My largest concern is numbness and pain in my hands and feet. At first, when the numbness was only in my hands (one month ago), I had an EMG. It came out negative, thus ruled out carpal tunnel. I have normal Vitamin B12 levels and do not have hypothyroidism. I had my blood sugar levels tested once mid-day. It was normal. My doctor did not directly rule out Diabetes, but said is was unlikely considering my age and lifestyle.
    I am having trouble with my insurance company and doctor availability. I thought I'd come here to see if anyone would have any ideas, beyond what I've gathered from Google. I would appreciate any insight -- whether you think you have a diagnosis, or have tips on how I should move forward with testing.

    Basics about me:
    - Age 20
    - Female
    - 105 Lbs
    - 5' 0''
    - Vegetarian (Healthy diet)
    - Moderately active
    - Low-normal blood pressure (105/70-ish)

    Here is the cluster of symptoms that I am concerned about:
    - Neuropathy -- numbness, pain, "pins and needles" feelings, in my hands and feet
    - severe muscle aches in my forearm
    - Trouble walking
    - Fatigue, worse and worse over the years, and made no better with sleep
    - Cognitive delay (confusion, slowness), also gradually worse (I have been measured multiple times at a 120-125 IQ, but now struggle to process words)
    - All-over body aches and stiffness
    - Neck stiffness & pain when touched

    Additional health problems/concerns:
    - Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. I take Gabapentin and Lamictal.
    - Always cold.
    - Sleep disregulation since age 10
    - Hormonal/menstrual problems -- without being on a hormonal contraceptive, I have a painful menstrual period ever other week
    - Hives on legs when it is cold
    - Have had mono/Epstein-Barr
    - Frequent cold sores since infancy
    - Latex Allergy

    The internet has suggested a number of things -- MS, Diabetes, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, etc. I am so anxious and wish I could see a doctor sooner. The numbness is getting worse every day. Even though I have insurance, I cannot afford to go to the Emergency Room.

    Thank you for reading.

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