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  • 03-23-2009, 10:07 PM
    You're dream tells me you are a girl that needs to start looking on the inside of people rather than the outside. Dancing on top of the coat hangers represents the power you feel when you are dressed to impress. Your friend falling off is your uncertainty to hang out with others who don't share your sense of style. The moral of your dream is not to let friends fall out of your life because they don't meet your standards. It also shows me you have an amazing sense of humor!
  • 03-23-2009, 10:06 PM

    weird dream (made me laugh though), any ideas of what it means?

    okay, so...
    i cant remember what night i had this dream, couple of weeks ago probably and i have NO IDEA what the hell it means...
    but i have this wardrobe in my bedroom that's got WAY too many clothes in it (lol), and the clothes are all hanging on coathangers.

    i dreamt that me and a huge group of people (the ones i remember were all from my school) were all mini (like, had shrunk) and we were all standing on the coathangers. the song Ruby by the Kaiser Chiefs was playing in the background and we were all dancing on our coathangers (hahaa!).
    one of the guys from my year was on a coathanger near mine. he fell off the coat hanger when the song got to the bit that goes "aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!" and as he feel, he was sorta singing "aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" (lmao).
    it was sooo funny and all the people that were dancing on the coathangers started laughing (including me).

    i just wondered if anyone could tell me what any (or part) of it meant. i'll be actually shocked if anyone can explain it too me lmao! one of the best dreams ever - woke up in such a good mood cause it was so funny.

    anyway, thanks if you have a go as trying to tell me what it means. (:

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