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What is the number after 87?


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Topic Review (Newest First)

  • 06-29-2009, 10:18 AM
    Gnomes are sexy
    Its wasn't to good
    Uhh alive?
  • 06-29-2009, 10:12 AM
    1. Fruits. Derrr :P

    2. Dark chocolate alll thee wayyyyy!

    3. Boring. Fine. The usual.

    4. Didn't go outside. Yeah, I know. I have no life. ^^

    5. Boyfriend <3

    6. Alive!!!

    7. Yes. So so suck my toe, all the way to Mexico.

    Yeah, I'm random too. :]
  • 06-29-2009, 10:08 AM
    waddlin' along
    1]fruit or vegies?
    2] Dark or normal choclate?
    3]How was your day?
    4]was it hot today?
    it's hot wherever I go (see what i did there?)
    5] Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
    neither right now
    6]Dead or alive?
    alive is good
    7]Do you have cable? if so what ?
    fosho. Dish.
  • 06-29-2009, 10:07 AM
    1] fruits
    2] milk choclate
    3] awesome!
    4] yes VERY
    5] Boyfriend!!!
    6] living dead... ;]
    7] yup.....uhh comcast?

  • 06-29-2009, 10:04 AM
    1. Fruit
    2. Don't like choclate
    3. Great
    4. 101, so yeah
    5 no
    6. alive
    7. Time Warner
  • 06-29-2009, 10:02 AM
    1]fruit or vegies? vegies
    2] Dark or normal choclate? normal (milk rite)
    3]How was your day? pretty good well sort of
    4]was it hot today? no but we went swiimmin
    5] Boyfriend/Girlfriend? nope
    6]Dead or alive? alive
    7]Do you have cable? if so what ? Charter it effin sucks Dish is wayy better but we cant have it

    that was pretty fun!
  • 06-29-2009, 10:01 AM
    boring but the past couple hours were good.
    nope. single.
    yes, verizon
  • 06-29-2009, 09:54 AM
    1. veggies
    2. both
    3. tiring
    4. yesss
    5. nope
    6. alive
    7. optimum babyyy
  • 06-29-2009, 09:51 AM
    HEYiT'S [KyLe] II
    1]fruit or vegies?

    2] Dark or normal choclate?

    3]How was your day?

    4]was it hot today?

    5] Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
    Mhm, girlfriend

    6]Dead or alive?

    7]Do you have cable? if so what ?
    Roadrunner or time warner something idk
  • 06-29-2009, 09:51 AM
    ♫Nicole♫ ♪
    1. Fruits
    2. Both
    3. Exhausting and great
    4. Not really
    5. Boyfriend
    6. Alive
    7. Cable. Crappy cable that we need to get rid of
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