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  • 07-03-2009, 07:21 PM
    I'm a competitave gymnast and practice 18-20 hours a week. We have competitave cheerleaders @ our gym that are in high school. they only practice about 6 hours a week. i am 12. all my teammates are 8-13 years old and we would kick the cheerleaders as*es ANYDAY. they r just sissies and do nothing but stand around alll practice and scream in our ears while we are trying to concentrate and do backtucks on the BALANCE BEAM. an they barely can do them on the floor and they r hideous!!!!! i think they r like level 3... all of us that r younger than them can do fulls and only ONE of them can! the cheerleaders suck!
  • 07-03-2009, 06:59 PM
    Cheerleading IS a sport.
    In school, why would you need a physical, why would you need to be really good at it to make the squad?
    I can't stand people who say cheerleading isn't a sport.
    Because not only do you have to chant, learn jumps and dance moves, tumble AND stunt!
    So to whoever says that it isn't, I would like to see them go to a competitive cheer practice.
    It's not that easy, and it IS a sport.
  • 07-03-2009, 06:55 PM
    IT IS A SPORT!!!!!!! if it wasnt a sport could girls throw other girls their size 20 ft. in the air and catch them or could they do standing fulls and have cheerleading be considered the dangerous SPORT
  • 07-03-2009, 06:53 PM
    Yes. It is a sport. Most people don't think it is a sport because sports a more tough and for guys. But cheer is actually really tough. And also, cheer use to be very girly and not really active how it is now with the tumbling and stunts and all the other perfections. Guys could not do it if they tried.Ha ha. So yes, cheer is a sport.
  • 07-03-2009, 06:53 PM
    It is an athletic activity, not a sport
  • 07-03-2009, 06:51 PM
    <3 =]

    Do you think Cheerleading is a sport?

    I think it is but give me your opinion =]

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